Saturday, June 1, 2024

Goodbye America - Part III - The Trial And Its Aftermath

What about the Judge?  I've heard that the Judges are supposed to be assigned to cases on a rotating basis, yet somehow Judge Juan Merchan was assigned to Trump's case, as well as other Trump associates' cases.  Judge Merchan had donated, very small amounts, to Biden and progressive causes, which, it seems to me, a judge should avoid doing.  Apparently, the NY State Commission on Judicial Conduct, saw no conflict.  I disagree.  Merchan's daughter is the president of Authentic Campaigns, which does fundraising and advertising for Democrats.  And has done so for Biden and Adam Schiff.  Yet, with these appearances of a conflict, the Judge refused to recuse himself from the Trump case.

The Trump defense team wanted to call former Federal Election Commission Chairman, Bradley Smith, as an expert witness with regards to federal election campaign laws.  The Judge said they could call him as a witness, but would not be able to ask him anything about how to interpret those laws or how to apply them to this case.  What???  Exactly what would be the point in calling him as a witness, if he is not allowed to address the issue at hand.  There was no point, so the defense did not call him.  The D-MSMC made a big deal out of Trump saying he wasn't allowed to call Smith as a witness, when he was.  Okay, but the truth is Trump was effectively denied the right to call Smith as a witness, as he would not be allowed to ask him anything about the pertinent issues.  

DA Bragg was able to get Matthew Colangelo, holding the third highest position in the Biden DOJ (Acting Associate Attorney General) to lead the Trump prosecution.  I'm sure there was no coordination with Garland, and/or Biden, in Colangelo leaving such a high position.  Right?

I also heard that the defense team was not allowed to discuss the law in their closing argument.  What???  If that is true, that would be like a judge telling me I could write a trial brief on one of my cases, but I better not discuss the law.  

What about the Constitutional requirement of unanimity in the verdict?  Well, the jury did have to all agree about the falsification of records.  But that alleged crime was a misdemeanor and was barred by the statute of limitations.  It was revived only if the falsification was done in the furtherance of another crime.  And for that, the Judge gave the jury three options - violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act, violation of the tax laws and falsification of other business records.  On these later crimes, the Judge said there need NOT be unanimity in the decision.  Four jurors could pick violation of the tax laws, four could pick violation of the federal election law, and four could pick falsification of other records.  What???

In 2016, I would hear at Trump rallies shouts of "lock her up," a reference to Hillary Clinton.  Although Clinton obviously violated the law, I cringed at those shouts.  I simply did not like the idea of having one's political opponents locked up.  Thankfully, Trump made no effort to do so.  But that was then.  Now, I would like to see conservative DA's, in red states, prosecute Biden, Obama, the two Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and other Democrats.  And I would like to see the House immediately impeach Biden.

Allow me to explain.  Like many Republicans, I'm old school.  I've long had a belief in, and faith in, our institutions.  But even though the Founders set up the best system of government and justice, any system - no matter how good - depends on the good will of those in power.  Without that, the institutions are meaningless.  But I know Republicans.  They will not do what I suggest.  They will say they have to defend the institutions, even if the Democrats will not do so.  But that would be wrong.  

Biden and the Democrats are bullies.  They have repeatedly shown their disdain for our institutions and for historical precedents.  And you don't make a bully stop by doing nothing.  You have to fight a bully to get him to stop.  Therefore, Biden and the Democrats need to be fought, in the same manner that they are bullying Trump.  As I am not confident that the Republicans will fight back, I say Goodbye America.  You were great while you lasted.  Now, I find myself agreeing with a good friend when he refers to the Democrat Party as the Evil Party.  How else would I describe a party seeking to end the country in which I grew up.



    Read and understand

  2. While I appreciate your readership, anonymous, I am perplexed by the link you provided. The article says that Michael Cohen was interviewed by Ali Velshi on MSNBC. Cohen asserts that if Trump is elected, Trump will have all of his political opponents assassinated. And Biden's campaign communications director brought Robert DeNiro to a press conference outside the courthouse during the trial in New York. And DeNiro said Trump will take away everyone's rights and destroy the world. You are certainly free to believe whatever you want to believe. But I certainly do not believe any of it.
