Saturday, June 1, 2024

Goodbye America, Part I - Some Background

(Caution.  To the extent that I still have readers who are Democrats, thank you.  Before you take offense at the point of this post, I hope you will read it through to the end.)  In my last post, I had expressed concern felt by many Jews as to whether the United States would continue to be the best country in the world, outside of Israel, for the Jewish people.  The reason was obvious.  The evil that was perpetrated by Hamas on October 7 was actually being supported by many people in America - on college campuses, by students and faculty and administrators, by school Board officials, by labor unions, by city councils and even in the US Congress.  It seemed as if evil was everywhere.  

I had previously written several posts about the threat posed by the Democratic Party to our democracy.  For a refresher, see the 4/19/18 post "Who Are The Real Threats To Our Democracy," the 10/17/21 post "The True Threat To Our Democracy - The Tyranny Of The Democrats," and the 12/31/22 post "New Year Reflections, Part I - Here Is The True Threat To Our Freedoms and Democracy."  I understand very well that the common line cited by all Democrats is that Trump/MAGA Republicans are an existential threat to our democracy.  But they always excuse the tactics used by their own party.  

The Democrats are bullies.  For some time it has been a party that is determined to stay in power at all costs.  A party that is determined to get its way on their policies at all costs.  Some do what they do for power.  Others have adopted the attitude that their cause is the just cause, and therefore the ends justify the means.  An example.  In 2012, Barack Obama was running for reelection against Mitt Romney.  Romney was probably one of the most honest politicians to ever run for president.  Harry Reid (D-NV) was the Senate Majority Leader.  From the Senate floor before the election, in August of 2012, Reid said:  "So the word is out that he (Romney) has not paid any taxes for ten years.  Let him prove that he has paid taxes, because he hasn't."

The claim was completely false, and Romney did prove it with his tax returns.  Besides, Reid should have had no way of obtaining Romney's tax returns, as the IRS does not release them to anyone (other than a court).  Was Reid prosecuted for his intentional misrepresentation, in an effort to get Obama reelected?  Of course not.  Years later, Reid was asked about being criticized for his falsehoods about Romney.  Did he have any regrets about his comments?  Reid:  "I don't regret that at all.  Romney didn't win, did he?"  There it is - the ends justify the means.  Keep Obama and the Democrats in power at all costs, no matter how outrageous the lie.  Reid alleged that Romney, a decent man, had committed multiple felonies by not paying taxes.  Just evil.    

In 2020, the Supreme Court was considering an abortion case.  Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was the Senate Minority Leader.  Attending a pro-abortion rally outside the Court, Schumer threatened two of the Justices.  "I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price - you won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions."  Of course, Democrats have continued to threaten the Court, as they are very unhappy with the conservative majority on the Court.  The ends justify the means.    

In 2016, Hillary Clinton hired a law firm, Perkins Coie, which in turn hired Fusion GPS, to obtain "opposition research" on Trump.  We know that the result was the fabricated Steele dossier.  Did the lack of verification for the information in that dossier prevent the Clinton campaign from using it during the campaign?  No, because the ends justify the means for these Democrats.  The Democrats continued to use that phony dossier in an effort to remove Trump from office.  Adam Schiff continually told the American people that he had evidence of Trump and Russian collusion.  Until he didn't.  Just evil.

In 2024, Democrats in various states came up with a new way to defeat Trump BEFORE the election.  "Let's just keep him off the ballot!"  The Democrats on the Colorado Supreme Court decided that was perfectly fine.  A state judge in Illinois agreed, as did the Maine Secretary of State.  All Democrats.  Why take a chance, when Trump appears to be quite popular and Biden does not.  The US Supreme Court, in a 9-0 decision, put a stop to that nonsense.  Imagine 50 states, with 50 different rules about who can run for president.  Just saying it makes the insanity of it apparent.  But, the ends justify the means for the Democrats.  This assault on our democracy, on our Republic, was just evil.   

Also in 2024, we have Biden's blatant attempt to buy the votes of younger people, many of whom are unhappy with his handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict.  Biden asserted that Republicans were trying to prevent him from his following through with his student loan forgiveness program.  But it wasn't Republicans.  It was the Supreme Court of the United States which told him he had no authority to do that.  But that has not stopped Biden.  Imagine if Trump, or any Republican, took actions that the Supreme Court ruled he could not do.  But for Biden and the Democrats, the ends justify the means.

We know that the Democrats open border policy is done with the expectation that the vast majority of those entering the country illegally will end up being Democratic voters.  How much do the Democrats care about violent criminals coming into the country?  How much do the Democrats care about all the drugs and fentanyl coming into the country?  How much do the Democrats care about the health and safety of the American people?  The answer to these questions is "not very much."  Because they are seeking to have permanent power.  They are seeking a one party system of government, with the Democrats always being that party in power.  A President's first, and most important, obligation is the protection of the American people.  Biden's willingness to forego that, in order to keep the Democrats in power, is just evil.

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