Saturday, June 1, 2024

Goodbye America, Part II - The Trump Verdict

To say that the Democrats have no respect for our institutions, no respect for our history, would be akin to saying that the sky is blue.  Time after time, Today's Democrats have broken historical precedents in order to stay in power.  Recall then Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) ripping up her copy of Trump's State of the Union address, with the whole world watching.  Recall Pelosi rushing a second Trump impeachment vote in January, 2021, without any evidentiary hearing first being held by the House Judiciary Committee.  No evidence needed.  Then, Pelosi had her made for primetime "Select January 6" committee, denying the House Minority Leader his right to appoint Republicans to the Committee.  Pelosi ended up appointing all the committee members.  These acts were unprecedented.

Now, we have the unprecedented indictment and conviction of a former President of the United States.  What was Trump convicted for doing?  That's unclear.  Some possible misdemeanor offenses under New York law, regarding falsification of business records, could not be pursued because the time for pursing them had passed.  But Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg campaigned on getting Trump.  Of course, that is not the way the American system of justice is supposed to work.  We don't target an individual, and then go looking for some crime.  There is supposed to be probable cause that a crime has occurred, and then the system pursues those involved.  

 From my point of view, anyone who runs for positions of prosecutorial power, is violating their oath as an attorney when they target one individual.  Bragg should have been disbarred for doing so.  But he wasn't disciplined at all.  We also know that anyone else without the last name Trump would not have been prosecuted by Bragg.  Somehow, Bragg was able to resuscitate the untimely misdemeanor charges and even turn them into felonies, by alleging that Trump made those business entries in furtherance of an additional crime.  This, too, was an unprecedented use of this legal theory.  What were the possible other crimes?  Violation of state and federal campaign contribution laws, violation of tax laws, and falsification of other business records.   

Let's back up.  Recall when the Biden Administration sued the State of Texas, when Governor Abbott dared to attempt to enforce federal immigration laws?  Biden and AG Merrick Garland said only the federal government had the authority to enforce federal laws.  It didn't matter that the Feds were not actually enforcing the law, it was the principle upon which they relied.  Is it not odd, therefore, when a local DA, is attempting to enforce federal election laws, without so much as a peep out of Biden and Garland?   

Guess what Hillary Clinton's campaign was fined for doing?  They improperly listed expenses to Perkins Coie as legal expenses, when in fact some of the money paid to that firm was simply reimbursement for what the law firm paid to Fusion GPS for the opposition research/Steele dossier.  The Federal Election Commission fined the DNC and the Clinton campaign over $100,000 for misrepresenting their expenditures.  Wait a second - isn't that exactly what Trump was just prosecuted for and convicted of doing?  Yes.  Was Clinton prosecuted for doing the same thing?  Of course not.  Did the Federal Election Commission even fine Trump for what Bragg alleged?  No.  Then what is going on?

The answer is simple.  We have two systems of justice in this country.  And the Democrats, who have no respect for our institutions or for precedent, do not care.  I am always shocked when Democrats I know simply do not care about the two systems of justice.  Recall also that Hillary Clinton was guilty of exposing national security secrets on her personal email server.  FBI Director Comey told us that.  She violated the law.  Was she prosecuted for that?  Of course not.  Clinton destroyed possible evidence of her crimes, erasing 33,000 emails, and smashing her hardware devices.  Was she prosecuted for that?  Of course not.  And, if anyone dares to tell me that I am engaging in a case of whataboutism, that tells me that you no longer believe that lady justice should wear a blindfold.  It tells me that you believe we should decide who gets prosecuted based on their political affiliation.

If anyone had any doubt about the political nature of this trial, the stunt pulled by the Biden campaign this past Tuesday should have dissuaded you of that notion.  Michael Tyler, the Biden campaign's communication director, showed up outside the courthouse where the Trump trial was being held.  He brought with him the disgusting Robert DeNiro, along with two Capitol police officers, who were present at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.  

Here was DeNiro:  "If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted."  Exactly what freedoms did DeNiro or anyone else lose because of Trump?  DeNiro:  "Trump wants to destroy not only the city but the country, and eventually, he could destroy the world."  Can we prosecute DeNiro for all those lies about Trump?  Was the Biden campaign trying to influence the jury by showing up outside the courthouse?  Can they be prosecuted for doing so?

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