Sunday, August 25, 2024

What About Governor Walz?

It was a different Democratic National Convention.  There was much talk of "freedom," not something I usually hear Democrats talk about.  There were lots of American flags and much talk of "patriotism."  I'd say good for the Democrats if I thought that they were sincere about it.  And the focus seemed to be on "joy," apparently replacing Obama's "hope and change."  There were many attacks on Trump, and little discussion of policy, except for abortion.  But all that is for other posts.  Let's talk about the VP pick.

We know that Walz was a teacher, a football coach, and a man who spent over two decades in the National Guard.  But what does he believe?  What are his values?  We get some insight from his signing into law a bill regarding "Ethnic Studies Requirements."  The State's Department of Education fleshed out the details of the new law, which applies to all school districts within the state, beginning with the 2025-2026 school year.  Some have called this new law the most radical in the country.  (Note.  Much of the information for this post comes from an Op-Ed by Katherine Kersten, of the Center of the American Experiment, in the 8/22/24 Wall Street Journal.  Some information also came from an article in the National Review.)

First graders are to "identify examples of ethnicity, equality, liberation and systems of power...(and) to construct meanings for those terms."  Excuse me?  First graders?  Makes sense.  If you indoctrinate five year-olds, those ideas will become part of their worldview, and will be difficult to shake off.  You will have lifelong Democrats, possibly lifelong Marxists, as that appears to be the goal.

How about fourth graders?  I remember in elementary school (not sure of the grade) being told to trace a map of the United States, and then trying to correctly name the state for each outline.  Later on we learned countries and oceans of the world.  I actually have loved looking at maps, and atlases from different eras, ever since.  But that is so passe.  Now, fourth graders are to "identify the processes and impacts of colonization and examine how discrimination and the oppression of various racial and ethnic groups have produced resistance movements."  

What about high school?  Those students will be told to "develop an analysis of racial capitalism."  It was obvious that capitalism would come under attack, as this curriculum is Marxist based.  High school students would also be taught about "anti-Blackness," and "racialized hierarchies" based on "dominant European beauty standards."  With a little bit of luck, either white students will be hated by all minorities, and/or they will hate themselves.  Very healthy.

One of the individuals involved in developing this curriculum for the state is Brian Lozenski.  He is a founder of "Education for Liberation Minnesota," aka EdLibMN.  Mr. Lozenski's feelings about America can be summarized in an article that he wrote following the death of George Floyd.  He described the riots that followed as "mass uprisings against racialized state violence," leading to "the inevitable death...(of the) social order that prioritizes vulgar economics."  Again, clearly Marxist.  

It should come as a surprise to no one that America haters also tend to be Israel haters.  "Ethnic Studies explores the colonial roots of the dispossession of Palestinian land and the creation of Zionism."  The curriculum will discuss "the devastating impact of Israeli colonialism."  Also, "studying Israeli settler colonialism in comparison to US settler colonialism" will be a main focus of Ethnic Studies.  Less than two weeks after the massacre of October 7, Lozenski called for a "Student Walkout for Gaza."   

I am frequently asked by my non-Jewish friends why Jews overwhelmingly vote for Democrats.  Do I think that Democrat run states (Minnesota is not alone with these Ethnic Studies curricula) indoctrinating an entire generation of young people into hatred for Israel and the Jewish people will change the minds of my fellow Jews, many of whom I personally know?  Come this November's election results, we should know.  

Trump was recently heavily criticized for saying that "Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion.  They hate everything about Israel and they should be ashamed of themselves because Israel will be destroyed."  I get the criticism.  I would have counseled him not to say that.  He also said "Any Jewish person who votes for a Democrat or votes for Biden should have their head examined."  I don't see that comment being significantly different from Biden telling a black audience during the 2020 race:  "if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."   

"Never Mind"

I watch most events that are of historical significance.  The two political party's presidential nominating conventions definitely qualify.  I did not watch every speech at either convention.  Prior to the opening hour of the DNC convention, I texted a friend (the subject of the first post on 8/4/24) and asked if he thought any of the speakers would condemn the pro-Hamas protesters outside the convention.  After reading Biden's late night speech, I texted him "never mind."

Here was President Biden:  "Those protesters out in the street, they have a point.  A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides."  I wish the Democrats would stop it.  Stop talking about "both sides."  Hamas started this war.  Hamas targets civilians.  Hamas has made it clear that they do not even care about the civilians in Gaza.  They say dead Gazans are martyrs.  They say people die in war.  Yes, and even more do when Hamas terrorists hide themselves and their weapons in schools, hospitals and mosques.  These protesters do NOT have a point because all they do is blame Israel, and it's sickening.

Which of the protesters has a point?  "From the river to the sea Palestine will be free?"  The point of ending Israel?  "Israel commits genocide?"  That lie?  How about this protester, who was interviewed on Fox:  "Every Palestinian supports Hamas.  Not just me.  Every Palestinian."  Asked if he agreed with the October 7 attack, he replied:  "Yes I do.  What's wrong with October 7?  You tell me."  When the interviewer brought up that women and children were massacred, he replied with "bullshit."  Lovely.

Then, there was the protester walking around with a large Nazi flag.  Did he have a good point?  The Democrats continued to bring up the lie about Charlottesville (claiming that Trump said there were "very fine people" on both sides), a lie has been debunked even by Snopes.  Yet, it sure sounded like Biden had his Charlottesville moment.  Just don't expect the Democratic Party-Mainstream Media Complex to criticize him for it.  

But Biden is no longer running.  What about Harris?  When speaking about a pro-Hamas crowd on campuses, she said:  "I do understand their concerns and I will never attempt to stifle or silence young people from expressing their concerns."  When a student/protester accused Israel of genocide, Harris replied:  "I appreciate you raising the subject and I appreciate your leadership."  Only one side is sworn to the genocide of the other, and that is Hamas, vowing to kill all the Jews.  And Harris appreciates accusing Israel of genocide? 

But Harris appointed an Israeli born, American Jew (Ilan Goldenberg) to be the head of her Jewish outreach.  That's good, right?  This is a man who opposed moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel's capital city of Jerusalem.  That was something that President Trump did.  Goldenberg has supported US funding of the Palestinian Authority, something that President Trump cut, given the PA's support for terrorists who kill Jews.  He disagreed with President Trump's recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the strategic Golan Heights.  He supported the Iran nuclear deal.  And he felt that Trump was wrong to side with Israel over the Palestinians.  So, if you are a self-hating Jew, Goldenberg is your man, and Harris is your candidate.   

Remember Josh Shapiro, the Jewish Governor of Pennsylvania, who was in the running to be Harris' VP nominee.  (Never mind that Harris feared offending the Arab Muslims in Michigan and Minnesota had she picked a Jew.)  Here is what Shapiro had to say about the pro-Hamas protesters:  I think protesters absolutely have a right to have their voices be heard."  That is simply stating the obvious, although if similar speech was directed at blacks or any other minority, it would be condemned as "hate speech."  Here is more from Shapiro:  "They gotta follow the rules, but their voices should be heard and they should be encouraged to exercise their First Amendment rights.  Whether I agree with them or not is beside the point."  Attaboy, Josh.  "They should be encouraged" to voice their hateful rhetoric against Israel and the Jewish people.  You make me so proud. 

The Democrats have a problem.  They love accusing Republicans of not being moral.  But just how much moral compass does it take to condemn, not praise or encourage, the pro-Hamas, Israel-hating and Jew-hating protesters?  It appears to require a greater degree of moral compass than is possessed by today's Democrats.