Sunday, June 23, 2024

Goodbye America, Part IV - Maybe I Was Wrong

(Note.  Parts I, II and III of "Goodbye America" were posted on June 1, 2024.)  I have often told people that the point of the blog is not to persuade people, although, of course, I do hope that people are persuaded.  But the larger point is to try to provide information, and opinion, that one will not find in the Democratic Party - Mainstream Media Complex.  Anyway, as I often do, I was reading my last posts, and I may have just persuaded myself.  Allow me to explain.

I've probably followed every presidential election since 1960.  I'm old school.  I remember staying up until about 1am on election night in 2020.  I saw the tide was turning in favor of Biden, and I immediately wrote in the next post that I accepted that Biden had won.  I was criticized by quite a few conservative friends, but I stood my ground.  I had been watching Fox, and Fox called it for Biden, although no network did so until later in the week.

But I was rereading Part I of "Goodbye America," and I got to thinking.  In 2012, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid lied (he virtually admitted it subsequently) about Mitt Romney not paying taxes for ten years.  It was done for the sole purpose of reelecting Barack Obama to another four years to the White House.  

In 2016, Hillary Clinton and the DNC promulgated the phony Steele dossier, alleging Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.  Why the deception?  Again, for the purpose of defeating Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for president.  But Trump won, and thereafter the Democrats did everything possible to remove him from office.  They could not tolerate that Clinton lost.  Clinton and many other Democrats continued to call Trump an "illegitimate" president.  And, we had the whole Special Counsel investigation by Robert Mueller, taking up nearly 3 years of the Trump presidency.  And, of course, the two impeachments.

What about 2020?  The New York Post printed an article saying they had located a laptop that they said belonged to Hunter Biden.  But the disclosure of the contents on the laptop might damage the election chances of Joe Biden.  And the goal, of course, was to defeat Trump at all costs; as the Democrats were unsuccessful in getting Trump removed from office during his first term.  But the fear by Biden and his supporters was that the contents of the laptop might have shown efforts at influence peddling by Hunter Biden, when his father was Vice President.

So what a surprise that in October, 2020, before the election, 51 members of the intelligence community signed onto a letter claiming that the emails on the laptop were phony, and had "all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation."  Now, this letter was not simply signed by second or third tier intelligence officials.  No, the signatories included John Brennan, John McLaughlin, Michael Morell, Leon Panetta and Michael Hayden - all former directors of the CIA.  Now we know that the FBI verified the contents of the laptop.  In fact, items on the laptop were used in the Hunter Biden trial.

Now, we are in 2024.  We have seen the Democrats attempt to keep Trump off the ballot in various states.  The Supreme Court knocked that down.  We have seen nonstop "lawfare" waged against Trump.  As this blog pointed out, Trump was prosecuted over things for which Hillary Clinton's campaign was merely fined.  Do I believe all these cases against Trump magically appeared, without coordination, in 2024?  No.  This is too much of a coincidence for me to believe there was no coordination.  

So what else are the Democrats pulling?  Manhattan DA Bragg wants the Judge to keep the gag order in place, even though the trial is over.  And surprise, surprise, special prosecutor Jack Smith wants a gag order in place also.  What a coincidence!  Days before the first debate between Biden and Trump, gag orders are being pushed on Trump.  This way, Biden conveniently gets to say "convicted felon," and Trump cannot reply without risking contempt and jail time.  

So, maybe I was wrong.  Wrong to so readily accept the election results of 2020 showing Biden to be the winner.  After all, there is almost no dirty trick that the Democrats will not use to keep their party in power.   

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