Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Just How Bad Can It Get?

I have long considered myself an optimist.  I'm not sure how much longer I can be when it comes to the growing antisemitism and outright Jew hatred in our country.  In a poll from December of last year, so after the October 7 attack by Hamas, we see quite a divergence between the two parties.  69% of Republicans said they were more sympathetic to the Israelis, with only 2% saying they were more sympathetic to the Palestinians.  Not so for the Democrats.  Fully half - 50% - said their sympathies were evenly divided.  As for the rest, 24% were more sympathetic to the Palestinians, with only 17% more sympathetic to the Israelis.  69% to 17%.  Jews have clearly lost the Democratic Party.  (Poll by Pew and WSJ.)

On June 12, the New York Post reported that the Democratic Party of Wisconsin held their statewide convention, and passed a pro-Palestinian resolution.  The resolution called for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, and went on to say that Israel's response to the horrific October 7 attack by Hamas, constituted "genocide" and an "egregious violation of humanitarian laws."  Did the resolution call the October 7 attack on Israeli civilians a genocide?  According to the Post, it did not even mention October 7 or the hostages. 

Here's a heart warming story out of New York City.  On June 10, a pro-Hamas crowd took over a subway.  Here is what a member of that mob yelled at the passengers:  "Raise your hand if you're a Zionist.  Raise your hand if you're a Zionist.  This is your chance to get out."  Another shouted that he wished "Hitler was still here"...to "wipe out" the Jews.    

And we have this story out of NYC.  The entrance to the home of the Jewish Director of the Brooklyn Museum was vandalized.  The building is a condo or apartment building with many other residents.  In red paint splashed across the front was this sign:  "Anne Pasternak, Brooklyn Museum, White Supremacist Zionist."  And on the ground in red paint was this:  "Blood on Your Hands."  Meanwhile, the pro-Hamas crowd set up an encampment in the museum.  According to the NY Post, they "defaced" artwork and hung a banner calling the war in Gaza a "genocide."

In yet another heart warming story out of Brooklyn, we are told that a pro-Hamas sympathizer assaulted a couple at their child's elementary school graduation.  Although the Mom and her kids are Jewish, her husband is a Dominican and a Catholic.  That did not stop at least one Jew hater from throwing the husband to the ground, and kicking him and punching him.  The Mom was also assaulted.  The police arrested one El-Al Dean Bazar, age 26.  But no surprise, he was released on his own recognizance.  

Said one educator there:  "We consistently warned that tolerating overtly antisemitic views would create a toxic environment for Jewish students and families, inevitably leading to physical violence."  And arresting and then immediately releasing those who attack Jews, hardly seems like a policy that will deter anyone from doing anything.    

But I don't want readers who are Angelenos to feel left out.  The Pico-Robertson area of West LA is a largely Jewish neighborhood.  On Pico Boulevard is the Adas Torah synagogue, an orthodox shul or synagogue.  An event was being held advertising properties for sale in Israel.  The pro-Hamas crowd showed up, with the intent of trying to shut down any sale of "stolen Palestinian land."  Because these Jew haters consider all of Israel to be stolen Palestinian land.  Of course, the crowd was seen wearing their keffiyehs and carrying Palestinian flags.  At least one paper reported that the front entrance was blocked off by the police - from the Jews.  

Yes, there were the usual chants of "free, free Palestine," and "long live intifada."  The mob blocked traffic and the entrance to the synagogue.  And yes, the protest turned violent.  I was not there to see who may have thrown the first punch...but I know where my money would go.    Van Jones is a host on CNN, and a former member of the Obama White House.  Said Jones:  "I have no problem with people protesting policy.  You cannot protest a people.  That is not a protest.  That is a pogrom."  A pogrom - here in Los Angeles, and obviously in NYC as well.  This from a decidedly left leaning Van Jones.

Meanwhile, we continue to get nothing but lip service from Democratic Mayor of LA, Karen Bass, from Democratic Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, and from Democratic President, Joe Biden.  The same applies to the Democratic officials running the City and State of New York.

But here's a bit of late breaking good news.  Leftwing, Jew hating, Squad member Jamaal Bowman, lost today's Democratic primary to George Latimer.  At a rally over the weekend, attended by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and self-hating Jewish Senator Bernie Sanders, Bowman went a little berserk.  He grabbed a stool, lifted it in the air, and shouted at the crowd to "show fucking AIPAC the power of the motherfucking South Bronx."  AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is a pro-Israel lobbying group that supports members of both parties in Congress who are pro-Israel.  Bowman was not that, and AIPAC supported his opponent.  Goodbye and good riddance, Bowman. 

Now I'd like to see the rest of the Jew haters gone from Congress.  I just won't hold my breath.  Led by Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill), 69 members of the House and Senate - all Democrats - wrote to the Biden White House, urging that certain Palestinians be allowed to enter the US as refugees.  Isn't that great?  Maybe we can get more Rashida Tlaib's, the Jew hating Palestinian member of Congress from Michigan.        

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