Sunday, December 11, 2022

Year End Reflections - Part III, The Continued Failure of the UN

It probably will not come as much of a surprise to anyone, but the Times of Israel reports that in 2022, Israel was condemned, in various UN resolutions, 15 times.  The rest of the world?  13 times all combined.  Is there a point to the UN?  Unless you believe that all the human rights abuses perpetrated by Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, North Korea and other places, are insignificant compared to whatever is happening in Israel, then the only possible explanation is antisemitism.  Which means antisemitism is a worldwide problem.  This should be frightening to American Jewry.  Unfortunately, their main complaints are with Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump - two men who arguably have done more for Israel than any others.  

The latest antisemitic resolution to pass the UN General Assembly was sponsored by the Palestinians, Egypt and Jordan (two countries with whom Israel has had decades old peace agreements), as well as Yemen, Tunisia and Senegal.  The resolution commemorates the Nakba (catastrophe in Arabic), by which they mean the founding of the State of Israel.  The resolution passed 90 in favor, 30 opposed with 47 abstentions.  

Voting in favor were, among others, Bahrain and the UAE.  Those two countries were part of the Abraham Accords, establishing relations with Israel.  Voting against the resolution were, among others, the US, the UK, Israel, Canada, Australia, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy and The Netherlands.  Notwithstanding the different ways I searched on Google, I was unable to get a country by country vote.  It would appear, however, that at least some of the European countries voted in favor.

Here is what Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, said.  "This General Assembly, this body, voted to adopt Resolution 181 - the Partition Plan (partitioning the British Mandate into a Jewish state and an Arab state).  My people, the Jewish people, accepted this resolution without hesitation.  But the Arabs and Palestinians did not.  Five Arab armies, together with the Arabs living in Israel, tried to destroy and annihilate us."  

Ambassador Erdan went on to discuss the hundreds of thousand of Jews displaced from Iran and the Arab world in the 1940's and 1050's.  Of course, the UN does not care about that.  Ambassador Erdan:  "Their only crime was being Jewish.  This is the true Nakba."  But how often throughout history has the only crime of my people been "being Jewish."  

On November 29, the UN celebrated the "International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People."  I honestly do not know if all these countries think they are helping the cause of the peace, or just don't give a damn as long as they can appease the Palestinians.  Because, like it or not, only Donald Trump seemed to understand that the way forward was to make Israel welcomed within the Greater Middle East, and to ignore the Palestinians until they agreed to stop killing Jews.  

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