Sunday, December 11, 2022

Year End Reflections - Part II, More on the Pernicious Effects of Left-Wing "Culture"

As I understand it, the American Girl Dolls have been very popular.  But now, the company put out a book titled "Smart Girl's Guide:  Body Image Book."  Here is some nonsense from the book, as reported by Fox.  "If you haven't gone through puberty yet, the doctor might offer medicine to delay your body's changes, giving you more time to think about your gender identity...If you don't have an adult you trust, there are organizations across the country that can help." 

Here is part of a preferred paragraph, as discussed by Jill Simonian, in a Fox Op-Ed.  "If you haven't gone through puberty yet, understand that it can be a confusing experience...but most everything you will feel is likely normal for this time in your life.  Always turn to an adult in your life who you feel comfortable with, for any questions you have...Being a girl can sometimes be complicated and confusing, but it's awesome." 

Let me be clear here.  Most boys feel like boys.  Most girls feel like girls.  And I have complete sympathy for those who feel otherwise.  But what is the message from American Girl?  That it's not okay to be a girl?  That it's not okay to become a woman?

Here is a stunning paragraph.  "Parts of your body may make you feel uncomfortable and you may want to change the way you look...that's totally okay."  Given our society's focus on looks, given the way female models and female entertainers look, and given all the magazine covers, it is hard enough for young girls to develop a positive body image.  It is hard for many women.  That does not mean they need to change their "gender."  I'm sure I will get some flack on this, but this is just sick. 

Actor and producer Kirk Cameron wanted to have a children's hour at various libraries in order to discuss/read his new book, "As You Grow."  (Let me admit here that I have not yet read this book.  But, Cameron says it is about things like faith, family and America.)  Over 50 public libraries have rejected his request to have an hour with their students.  Here is a typical reply, this one from a school district in Providence, Rhode Island.  "...we will pass on having you run a program in our space.  We are a very queer-friendly library.  Our messaging does not align."

What if his messaging does align with 90% of the students and their parents?  That's just too bad.  The Left will make sure your kids get "Drag Queen Story Hour," "The 1619 Project," and other woke, unwholesome and anti-American "lessons."  Traditional American ideas?  Not in public schools. 

The destructive influence of the Left is not confined to the US,  In what is described as an elite French University, Sciences Po, a dance instructor there was reprimanded.  She had the audacity to refer to her students as men and women.  She was told she must refer to her students as "leader" and "follower."  She refused.  So she quit.  Good for her!  It was back on July 20, 2014, that I wrote the post "My Ex-Wife."  On October 19, 2014, I wrote "My Ex-Son and Ex-Daughters."  I wrote those posts because the terms "husband," "wife," "son" and "daughter" were to be banned from our language.  Maybe some readers thought that would never happen.  Anyone still think that?

Allow me to reiterate.  I have complete sympathy for anyone who feels those descriptive terms do not apply to them.  But the Left has no sympathy for the overwhelmingly majority of people who do fit into those categories.  And, as the Left controls our schools, colleges, universities, mainstream media and the White House, it is just too bad for the vast majority of students.

And, permit me to reiterate a point made at the end of Part I: for those unclear as to the source of this sick, anti-boy, anti-girl, anti-men, and anti-women outlook on the world, that would be the Democrats.  Because the Left not only inhabits the Democratic Party - they now control it.

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