Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Year Reflections, Part I - Here is the True Threat to Our Freedoms and Democracy

It's been two years since January 6, 2021.  Time to stop thinking about that as the true threat to our democracy.  The true threat is more subtle than people climbing into the Capitol.  And that threat is embedded within the Democratic Party.  It is reflected in their efforts to harm us, to make us talk a certain way, and to even make us think a certain way.

The Cambridge Dictionary, like many institutions within the Western world, has been infected with Leftism.  They now define a woman as "an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth."  Similarly, a man is defined as "an adult who lives and identifies as male though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth."  What utter non-scientific nonsense.  Then what is "female?"  What is "male?"  What is "sex at birth?"

Another eminent institution infected by left-wing nonsense is Stanford University.  They put out a list of what they refer to as "harmful language."  Why?  Because as with ALL left-wing institutions, they want you to think and talk a certain way.  A left-wing woke, politically correct way.  What's on Stanford's list?  "American."  They prefer US citizen, because there are other countries in the Americas (in North America, Central America and South America).  So what?  Who gives a damn!  We are the United States Of America.  So I'm proud to be an American.  

Stanford says don't say handicap parking, say accessible parking.  The State of California has given me a handicap placard.  I park in handicap spaces when I can.  Nothing about that hurts my feelings.  Of course, don't say "black hat," "black mark," or "black sheep."  Although, as a white person who is a conservative, I am clearly the black sheep in my left-wing family.  And, no "beating a dead horse," or "killing two birds with one stone."  The imagery is too violent.  I love horses.  I think they are the most majestic of all the animals.  But the expression "beating a dead horse," would never cause me to beat any horse - alive or dead.  

And, don't say "homeless person."  Rather, say a "person without housing."  Allow me to explain the difference, which is not obvious.  "Homeless person" is a descriptive adjective of a person.  Bad.  A "person without housing" is not descriptive of the person, but rather of their circumstance.  

In Norway, a transgender individual described herself as a "lesbian mother."  A Norwegian filmmaker and actress took issue with that.  She posted on Facebook:  "it's just as impossible for men to become a lesbian as it is for men to become pregnant.  Men are men regardless of their sexual fetishes."  In the US, we are blessed to have the First Amendment, although many on the Left would like to see that Amendment changed to not protect this type of speech.  However, Norway does not have the same constitutional protections of speech.  So, that filmmaker is now now facing criminal hate speech charges, which carries a possible sentence of up to 3 years in prison.  Up to 3 years in prison for speech that is not woke and politically correct.  This is the totalitarian Left.

The Left is sick.  They will try to punish you for saying that men cannot get pregnant.  I thought that was a scientific fact.  Everyone needs to understand the totalitarian nature of the Left.  They are perfectly willing to threaten your "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness."  The Left is a danger to freedom and liberty everywhere.  January 6 is not.  

A transgender rights activist testified before the House Oversight and Reform Committee.  Here is part of her testimony.  "The 6 justices who overturned Roe should never know peace again.  It is our civic duty to accost them every time they are in public.  They are pariahs.  Since women don't have their rights, these justices should never have a peaceful moment in public again."  I would ask those on the Left, is that your idea of democracy?  Pay no attention to the legal issues in Roe and Dobbs.  Simply harass, maybe even get violent, towards those with whom you disagree? 

But this transgender woman is not alone.  Recall that Chuck Schumer, as then Minority Leader in the US Senate, told a cheering crowd in front of the Supreme Court, before the final decision in Dobbs issued:  "I want to tell you Gorsuch.  I want to tell you Kavanaugh.  You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price.  You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions."  But they did go forward with the decision.  Overturning Roe did not take away the right to abortion.  It left it up to the states.  Because we are a Republic of 50 states, with those states having the general police power.

But the Left doesn't give a damn about the "republic," or about the Constitution.  They just care about their causes.  Their issues.  They have no regard for how our democracy works.  Or that we have 3 branches of government.  Or that we have 50 state governments, not only a federal government.  One way or another, the totalitarian Left is determined to get what they want.  By controlling your thinking, your speech and your actions.  If you do not conform, you will face their wrath.  As the Left has taken over the Democratic Party, that Party has become the true threat to our democracy. 

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