Sunday, August 4, 2024

Kamala Harris

Yes, I know she was anointed.  Biden had the right to run as the Democratic nominee by getting enough delegates following his primary victories.  But, following his disastrous debate performance, he was forced out.  Even the New York Times opined that he had to go.  My first thought was that the Democrats would have an open convention, as the the delegates previously bound to vote for Biden were now free to vote for whomever they might want.  I was interested in seeing who might jump in.  But the Democratic power brokers would have none of that.  They did not dare risk a contentious convention - not after seeing how unified the Republicans were at their convention.  

The Democrats could not even tolerate the usual floor vote at the convention, announcing in advance that the delegates had voted and Harris won.  I'm old enough to remember the talk of the "smoke filled backroom deals," when party bosses had a say as to who the nominees for president and vice president would be.  But today's Democrat Party is the party that is going to save our democracy.  Just don't ask them to participate in the democratic process.   And, of course, there's the money.  The $200 million Biden war chest that would pass to Harris because she was (would be) on the ticket with Biden.  

Yes, J.D. Vance had previously made a ridiculous comment about "childless cat ladies."  But does anyone seriously expect the Democratic Mainstream Media Complex to tell us about what Harris has previously said?  Let's take a look.  December, 2017, she expressed her irate concern about illegal immigrant children this way:  "How dare we speak Merry Christmas!" when these children are suffering.  On it's face, it may sound nice.  A concern for the kids.  But is it?  Some kids are suffering in various places around the world at all times.  Does that mean we should take all the joy out of life?  Dennis Prager says happiness is a moral imperative, as happy people make the world a better place.  But, if you prefer to be miserable, I would choose the meme my daughter sent to me:  "If you replace your morning coffee with green tea, you can lose up to 87% of what little joy you have left in life."

On various occasions, and on September 11, 2022, Harris said this:  "The border is secure."  Maybe that depends on what your definition of "secure" is.  But if you watch Fox TV, you would see the daily hordes crossing into our country from countries all around the world.  But she won't watch Fox.  And the border czar isn't interested in going to the border.  But just ignore this, or you might think that Harris is a liar - and we know that only Trump lies.   

August 16, 2019:  "We're not gonna treat people who are undocumented (who) cross the border, as criminals."  Well, except that federal law says it is a crime to enter into the U.S. without authorization.  But, hey, Biden doesn't care about the law either, as he has kept up with his student loan forgiveness plan even after the Supreme Court said he had no power to do so.  Democrats - the party that will protect democracy.  Remember?

Speaking of power.  On September 4, 2019, Harris said this:  "As President of the United States I am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a green new deal."  Just curious, how does the President have the power to change the Senate's filibuster rule?

Harris likes to remind us that she was a prosecutor.  She's tough.  Well, not on illegal aliens.  Or on those arrested following the riots after George Floyd was killed by a police officer.  Here was Harris' post on Twitter:  "If you're able to, chip in now to the MN Freedom Fund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota."  She said the protesters would not stop, and they shouldn't stop.  Although, she did condemn the violence and looting.  I see.  So, on January 6, 2021, when Trump said the various things he said, and also said "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard," that didn't count?  Harris get a pass for supporting rioters by saying she condemns violence.  Did Trump get a pass for his support for the January 6 protesters, by saying to protest "peacefully and patriotically?"  Of course not.

And this tough prosecutor said this on September 22, 2020:  "It is wrongheaded thinking to think that the only way you're gonna get communities to be safe is to put more police officers on the street."  That's funny.  It is so lacking in common sense that it must have been meant as a joke.  Cities across the country tried this defunding the police nonsense, and then reversed course when crime spiked.  Crime on NYC subways got so bad that the Governor ordered National Guard troops to assist the police.  Right, who needs cops on the street.

Here is something that Harris said that should offend all Americans.  She was speaking at a Los Angeles mosque:  "We must have the courage  to object when they use that term, "radical Islamic terrorism," which ignores how Muslims have overwhelmingly been the greatest victims of terror."  Listen up, Madam VP, it was RADICAL ISLAMIST TERRORISTS who killed nearly 3000 Americans (and others) on September 11, 2001.  How dare you suggest otherwise!  In fact, law-abiding and America loving Muslims should have also been offended by that comment, because I would think that they would want to distance themselves from the radical Islamists.  And, if Muslims have been the greatest victims of terror, it has been at the hands of radical Islamists.   

What about Harris and Israel?  Please see the next post.  

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