Sunday, August 4, 2024

"I don't view the Dems with the same fear as I do Trump."

So said a dear friend who is a reader of the blog.  I believe he is a registered independent, and describes himself as center-right.  I know he agrees with much of what follows - which is why I frequently said "I think you agree."  After an exchange of some texts, and upon seeing the above from him, I replied as follows:

"I almost don't know what to make of that.  The Left (Democrats) has ruined every institution that they have gained control over.  They ruined our education system, turning it into leftwing America hating and Israel hating and now Jew hating bastions of propaganda.  I think you agree.

They ruined the mainstream media, which only challenges power when it is exercised by Republicans.  They act as a mouthpiece for Democrats.  That is not healthy for our democracy.  I think you agree.

They ruined Hollywood, too, which is now just another leftwing propaganda machine.  I think you agree.

Much of our federal and state bureaucracies are infected with leftwing woke bullcrap and DEI.  I think you agree.

The Democrats have ceded American sovereignty to the drug cartels, in the hopes that all those illegals will become Democrats.  I think you agree.

The Democrats seek permanent power, as occurred in California.  End the filibuster, add states to get extra Senate seats, now the latest Supreme Court "reforms."  You know as well as I do that Biden would not be saying that SCOTUS is a threat to our democracy if all nine justices were leftwing.  I think you agree.

Support for Israel from the Democrats has been waning for some time.  I think you agree.

Leftwing DAs, defunding the police, have made many cities unsafe.  I think you agree.

But you fear Trump.  You and I did not like his words or deeds on January 6.  But, he didn't ask the military to keep him in power.  He left the White House without being thrown out.  The Left has always exaggerated what Trump would do.  Before he took office, they said he would start WWIII.  Just the opposite.  The Abraham Accords.  Russia did not invade Ukraine, as with Obama and Biden.  Hamas didn't attack Israel, as with Obama and Biden.  He didn't appease Iran.  He enforced sanctions so they wouldn't have money to support terrorism.  He killed Soleimani.  There is only peace through strength - from Washington to Kennedy to Reagan to Trump.  Appeasement brings war.  

He's not going to end NATO.  He may not support Ukraine the way you and I would like.  And I've said for decades that neither party watches out for the people's money.  You, my dear friend, are more concerned about a bunch of "what ifs" over "what is."

I am sure that I told you about the best phone call to talk radio that I ever heard.  A self described Jewish woman called (conservative talk radio host) Dennis Prager, and said her father loves Prager, always listens to his show, and always agrees with him.  Prager very knowingly asked:  how does he vote?  I was in my car, and before she could answer I blurted out:  Democrat, I'm sure.  Yep, Democrat.  You are that woman's father.  Your self identity is so ingrained in being a Democrat (I don't care how you're registered), in having a Democratic way of looking at the world, that you are unable to escape it.

As Rome is burning all around us, you will vote for the most radical presidential candidate in history, someone who just may help bring about the end of Israel, and the end of America as you and I have known it.  Because, Trump might start WWIII."

I gave my friend the opportunity to reply to any or all of the above, indicating I would post it as his rebuttal without further comment by me.  He declined.    

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