Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Coronavirus Twenty Weeks Later - The Mainstream Media and the Dems Count on You to Not Read and Listen Critically

From ABC News. "Protesters in California set fire to a courthouse, damaged a police station and assaulted officers after a peaceful demonstration intensified." Intensified? Are you kidding me? Under no circumstances will the Dems or the media say any of these protests are VIOLENT. Sounds violent - set fire, damaged and assaulted. But they will not say it. Why? Because the goal is to defeat Trump, not to tell the truth. And as long as the country is in turmoil, Trump's poll numbers have been going down. For the same reason, the media and the Dems will actually blame Trump for the coronavirus. It does not matter that Dr. Fauci said President Trump has listened to him and has done many things to save lives. The media has no interest in reporting it. 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was "interviewed" (I use the word loosely) by Margaret Brennan on Face The Nation, which is on CBS (a mainstream station).  I counted a total of 6 times that Brennan responded "right" after Pelosi said something.  One time Brennan said "I see," and one time each she answered "yes" and "yeah."  Wow!  That's really challenging the Speaker.  The Speaker is always "right," whereas President Trump is never ever right, and never has done a single good thing in 3 1/2 years in office.  Of course, the liars in the media know better, but they're counting on the public to just absorb what they're told without question.

Commentator Caroline Glick described what has been happening in Portland over the last two months.  "Night after night, hundreds of 'peaceful demonstrators' have vandalized and destroyed stores and other businesses, transforming downtown Portland into a war zone...Federal officers charged with guarding the (U.S.) courthouse have been blinded with lasers and attacked with stones, metal balls shot from slingshots, bricks and two-by-fours, among other things."  

But Oregon's Democrat Governor told us what is really important.  No, it is not keeping order.  No, it is not protecting people, property and businesses.  Rather:  "Our local Oregon State Police officers will be downtown to protect Oregonian's right to free speech and keep the peace.  Let's center the Black Lives Matter movement's demands for racial justice and police accountability.  It's time for bold action to reform police practices."  You would never know from the Governor that there has been a single night of violence in Portland.  In early July, the Governor did comment on some of the violent activities by the "peaceful" protesters.  But, apparently she felt that the best approach was to just let them do what they will do.  (Recall when Pelosi was told about the violent taking down of the Christopher Columbus statue in Baltimore, and when asked if the better approach would not be a commission deciding what should happen with the statue, she said "people will do what they do.")  Anyway, here was the Governor in early July:  "Use of force, regardless of its legal justification, will do nothing to solve the underlying concerns of racial justice and police accountability raised by the protests."  I think what she means is "burn, baby, burn!"  

Just to give you an idea of how crazy some left-wing readers of the New York Times are, here is an example of one letter to the editor.  "I worry that protesters destroying property or retaliating against federal forces, however justified, are playing right into Mr. Trump's hands, in his latest dirty tactic to win re-election."  There it is - the Dems, the media and the left can justify the destruction of property and assaults on federal officers.  Allow me to repeat:  "burn, baby, burn."  

Nancy Pelosi was at it again, calling the federal officers in Portland "storm troopers."  In fairness, she denies that, insisting that she said they only "acted" like storm troopers.  Oh, so much better; comparing federal agents to Nazi Brownshirts.  So much better.  Pelosi also said the federal agents were "kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti."  Here's an idea, Pelosi should give up her security detail and have to go spend a week in Portland.  

One paper is sick of the violence, however.  The 7/27/20 editorial in the Richmond Times-Dispatch said this:  "What is the end game to these protests?  The violence seems to escalate daily, not just in Virginia's capital city but across the country...we've normalized too many behaviors that make Richmond - and the United States - a less safe and prosperous place to live...individuals are desecrating property and being absolved of any wrongdoing...banks and businesses are boarded up."  Clearly, the editorial writers at the Times-Dispatch are not sufficiently "woke."  If they were, they would understand that the only criticism allowed is against Trump.  And never accuse left-wing protesters of violence.  That accusation is reserved for the police and Trump supporters.  Maybe I should send the paper a letter to explain how things work.

Did you happen to catch former President Obama's eulogy of Rep. John Lewis.  Obama very appropriately recounted Lewis' involvement in the civil rights movement.  Then, he turned to politics; and I have to admit, he is one smooth liar.  I'm sorry, did I offend anyone's sensibilities?  Oh, that's right, only Trump can be called a liar.  Obama:  "Today we witness with our own eyes police officers kneeling on the necks of black Americans."  Hmmm...with my eyes I saw one police officer kneeling on one neck of one black American.  Obama:  "George Wallace may be gone.  But we can witness our federal government sending agents to use tear gas and batons against peaceful demonstrators."  Obama compared President Trump to George Wallace!  Wallace was the Alabama Governor who opposed desegregation, and actually stood at the steps of the University of Alabama in order to block black students from entering.  In December of last year Trump signed a bill ensuring that more than $250 million will go to historically black colleges and universities.  Trump's economic policies resulted in the lowest unemployment rate for blacks (before the coronavirus).  I could list all the ways Obama was divisive on issues of race.  But conservatives already know that, and liberals just make excuses for it.

Here was a good one.  Obama:  "...there are those in power (everyone present knew he meant Trump), who are doing their darndest to discourage people from voting by closing polling places."  Just in time for this year's primary election, heavily DEMOCRATIC Los Angeles County closed 4000 polling places, going from 5000 local precincts to 1000 centralized voting centers.  The result?  People no longer had their neighborhood polling place, and the wait in lines was 3 to 4 hours.  Yep, all done by Democratic LA County - doing their darndest to discourage people from voting.  Obama also threw in to his speech a few of the Dems other talking points.  Making Washington,D.C. and Puerto Rico states, for the purpose of adding 4 more Senators to the US Senate, all of whom would be expected to be Democrats.  He also pushed for elimination of the filibuster, on the assumption that the Dems will take the Senate. 

Did you see Attorney General Barr's testimony before the House Judiciary Committee?  Admittedly, most Congressional committee hearings are nothing other than political theater.  But this one was worse than usual.  Even CNN could not help but admit that "Democrats repeatedly cut off Barr's responses, accused him of being wrong or lying and made clear they weren't interested in the explanations he was offering."  It actually reminded me of the way the Dems and the media have treated President Trump for 3 1/2 years.  In a word, disgusting.

Barr denied that there was systemic racism in policing, a viewpoint that is intolerable to the Dems and the media.  In support of his position, Barr noted that 11 white people had been killed by police this year compared to 8 black people.  But CNN reported that Dem. Rep. Cedric Richmond of Louisiana called Barr's numbers a reflection of a "glaring disparity."  Why?  Because that equates to blacks being 42% of the people killed by police, while they only make up 15% of the population.  (As first posted online, the article also said that 85% of the population was white.  Just to clarify, the 2019 estimates are 60.1% white, 18.5% Hispanic, 13.4% black, 5.9% Asian, and some other groups.)  But Rep. Richmond did not cite the proper measure, whether blacks are 15% or 13.4% of the population.  The real measure is the rate at which blacks commit crimes and interact with police as a result.  With regards to homicides only, the Bureau of Justice Statistics reported that 52% of the murders from 1980 to 2008 were done by blacks, a percentage far in excess of their percentage of the population.  But did CNN call out Rep. Richmond on his incorrect analysis?  You're kidding, right?     

Lastly, I cannot end without commenting on this story about the woke snowflakes (aka journalists) at the New York Times.  They are asking that the paper make sure that 24% of its employees be back, and that over 50% be "people of color" by 2025.  But, coming off of the uproar by black employees over the publication of Sen. Tom Cotton's Op-Ed about using federal troops to stem the rioting across the country, and the blistering resignation letter of Op-Ed editor Bari Weiss, asserting that only one viewpoint was allowed at the self-described premier paper in the country, we now have a call for "sensitivity reads."  The Guild:  "Get it right from the beginning:  sensitivity reads should happen at the beginning of the publication process..."  Sensitivity reads?  I got it.  Let's make sure nothing is printed that will offend the left-wing journalists and columnists at the Times.  But feel free to offend Trump, Trump supporters and conservatives all you want.  That ought to ensure fair and unbiased reporting, don't you think? 


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mike.
    I'm more sanguine about Republican prospects in November. De-fund the police? Open borders? Kneeling by the MLB, NFL, NBA? Mail-in voting? Abortion? No, no, the American people aren't going to have it!
    Red wave in November. Remember Hillary at 95% odds? This time in 1988 Michael Dukakis led George H.W. Bush in the "polls" 51-38. How'd that turn out? I think the Dems should keep up the unhinged insanity. At last TDS has driven 'em over the cliff!
    Be well,
    John Newport
