Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Coronavirus Nineteen Weeks Later - The Word(s) of the Day Are Race/Racist/Racism

(Ed.'s Note. On August 4, 2019 I wrote a post called "Racism, Racism, Everywhere is Racism." I said then: "For many on the Left, if you simply voted for Donald Trump for president you are automatically a racist." We are currently bombarded with messages from the Democrats/mainstream media about the systemic racism of the country. The economic system (capitalism) is racist. The educational system is racist. The justice system is racist. Police are definitely the most racist. And so on. So, here are a few ideas, along with some remedies, as the Left sees it.)

Actress Pauley Paulette, of NCIS fame, tweeted: "PLEASE DON'T FOLLOW ME IF YOU'RE A RACIST Meaning you support Trump..." There it is. But she is just an actress, you say. What about Joe Biden, who is the presumptive nominee of the Democrat Party for President of the United States. Biden: "We've had racists, and they've existed, they've tried to get elected president. He's (Trump) the first one that has." So, does that mean we can now keep the statues of Washington and Jefferson and other presidential slave owners? Can Princeton again name their school of public policy The Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy? Is this why his campaign does not allow Biden out of his basement? The Biden campaign had to correct him, of course, by saying that Trump stands out for his racism in modern times. Oh.

But make no mistake, America is racist. Who says so? The American people. According to a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll of 900 registered voters, 56% of Americans say the country is racist. 66% of women agree, and 46% of men agree. Broken down by party, 82% of Democrats agree vs 30% of Republicans. And broken down by race, 78% of blacks say the country is racist, with 60% of Hispanics agreeing and 51% of whites also agreeing. Most disturbing? 78% of blacks and 82% of Democrats say the USA is a racist country. In a Washington Post/ABC poll, we are told that 63% support the Black Lives Matter movement. Which, ought to be renamed Black Lives Only Matter if Killed by the Police. The poll also shows 55% of Democrats support defunding the police compared to only 14% of Republicans.

But just to be sure that ALL Americans understand how racist the country is, the Loudoun County, Virginia school district has the solution. The plan is to teach "social justice" to elementary school kids. The idea is to "emphasize slavery as fundamental to American society," as described in the Washington Free Beacon. Why the need to teach this in grades K through 5? Because "sugarcoating or ignoring slavery until later grades makes students more upset by or even resistant to true stories about American history." I wonder if the New York Times' 1619 project (claiming that the country began when slaves were first brought over in 1619) will be used as the textbook. It's fine, the country is on the way out anyway. After all, if we instill a sense of how bad America is in young children, rather than a sense of patriotism, we can assure the rapid demise of this terrible country. Let's teach kindergarten kids all about murderers and rapists too.

For those young people who never received the proper instruction in their earlier grades, let's teach them in college. The California State University system is the largest in the country, with 430,000 undergraduates spread across 23 campuses. Beginning in the 2023 school year, students will be required to take a course in ethnic studies or social justice. The ethnic studies choices will be: Native American studies, African American studies, Asian American studies or Latina/o studies. If you do not fit into one of those categories, too bad for you.

Across the country at Rutgers University, the State University of New Jersey, the English Department has a plan to deal with our racist language by "incorporating 'critical grammar' into our pedagogy." "This approach challenges the familiar dogma that writing instruction should limit emphasis on grammar/sentence-level issues so as to not put students from multilingual, non-standard 'academic' English backgrounds at a disadvantage. Instead, it encourages students to develop a critical awareness of the variety of choices available to them with regard to micro-level issues in order to empower them and equip them to push against biases based on 'written accents.'" So, aside from all the intellectual claptrap, English should have no standard usages. And, rather than assure that English is taught properly in earlier grades, let's tell college students not to bother. One speech pathologist asserted that the message from Rutgers is that minorities are incapable of understanding traditional English. It is "insulting, patronizing, and in itself, extremely racist." But it is typical elitist leftism - we of the left were all able to succeed in this racist country, but the rest of you rubes need us to understand, well, everything.

Fresh from their "1619 Project," the New York Times now has a podcast called "Nice White Parents." "When we look at how our schools are failing, we usually focus on who they're failing: Black and brown kids. We ask: Why aren't they performing better? Why aren't they achieving more?...Those are not the right questions...if you want to understand what's wrong with our public education system, you have to look at what is arguably the most powerful force in our schools: white parents." You didn't really think that the left-wing New York Times thought white people were nice, did you? What's wrong with public education - white parents. Got it?

Excuse me for asking, but what about the Jews? After all, Jews are still overwhelmingly the victims of religious hate crimes. Anti-Semitism is on the rise. Now, I know that left-wing Jews do not care about this issue. In their left-wing bubble they believe they are isolated and protected from hateful anti-Semitism. Another elitist attitude: "I'm on the left's side, they won't bother me." Social media has certain standards. But Jew-hatred is not one that will interfere with your posts. Here's one from Twitter: "#Jewish Privilege is running the Slave Trade, owning the Slave Ships and owning the Cotton Plantations but constantly blaming Slavery on White people with the very media that you completely control."

Obama made a habit of demonizing Israel. The mainstream media does it all the time, recently with the Op-Ed by Peter Beinart explaining why he no longer believes Israel should exist. (See the July 12, 2020 post, "The Coronavirus Seventeen Weeks Later - Maybe Its Time?") Now, a poll by Shibley Telhami, a professor at the University of Maryland, shows the waning support for Israel. According to the poll, 42% of young Americans (ages 18-34) support the destruction of Israel and its replacement with a non-Jewish state. 42% of young people would bring an end to the one Jewish state in the world. Should we be surprised? Between the eight years of Obama, and the propaganda machines of Hollywood, the mainstream media and academia, we really should not be surprised. The poll also found that 55% of Democrats think the Israeli government has too much influence on US politics and policies. That compares with only 19% of Republicans.

Recently, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, endorsed Rep. Ilhan Omar in her bid for reelection. Notwithstanding Omar's repeated anti-Semitic comments, Pelosi called her "a valued and important Member of our Caucus." More recently, Joe Biden spoke to the "Million Muslim Votes," a conference put on by Emgage Action, described as the largest Muslim PAC. Biden: "I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith. I wished we talked about all the great confessional faiths." Maybe we can get the Director of "Islamic Relief Worldwide" from the UK to speak. He recently said that Jews are the "grandchildren of monkeys and pigs." He also called Egypt's President a "Zionist pimp."

Oh, how I long for the days of the Obama-Biden White House. Obama and his reverend, Rev. Wright, who hated America and Israel. When Al Sharpton was able to visit the White House over 80 times. When Obama refused to say "Islamic terrorism" or "radical Islam." I yearn for the days when Obama refused to acknowledge Jews being the target of radical Muslims at a Parisian kosher market; instead saying that a "bunch of folks" were killed. Obama told us it was just a "random" attack. Because who cares when Jews are the targets? And I especially pine for December, 2016, when Obama sold Israel out at the UN and gave the Palestinians the West Bank and parts of Jerusalem, including the Old City which houses the most holy sites in Judaism. But we can get the Obama-Biden years back. We can get a Biden-Obama White House, because who really believes that the Democrats will let Biden run things if he wins.

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