Saturday, January 5, 2019

"We're gonna go in there and we're gonna impeach the"

So said Rashida Tlaib, newly elected Democratic Congress member from Michigan. Tlaib is a Palestinian American and is a Muslim. Her comment was made to a group of her supporters, telling them that is what she told her son. Nice way for a mother to talk to her son, especially about the President of the United States. And, I am told that someone I know opined that he wanted to see Trump indicted, impeached, forced to forfeit all his property and spend his life in prison "for the insanity he has wreaked upon our nation." Lest anyone think those are just the rantings of an inconsequential person and a freshman left-wing congresswoman, I am telling you that far more important people are of the same mind. Long term Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA) has already introduced Articles of Impeachment against Trump. Why take a chance on Mueller not finding any Russian collusion. Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) will be the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee. Schiff: "There's a very real prospect that on the day Donald Trump leaves office the Justice Department may indict him, that he may be the first President in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time."

Schiff would not make such a comment without wishing it to be so. You see, politicians, such as Schiff, exemplify that with which our Founders concerned themselves - the use of their office for personal or political gain. The Founders understood human nature. They understood that future leaders of their country could not necessarily be trusted to do what was right for the common good. For that very reason the Founders made sure to put numerous checks and balances into our governing document. They knew there would be politicians such as Schiff and Tlaib. The Founders understood the lust for power. Having been shocked by Trump's election victory in 2016, the Democrats do not want to take the chance that Trump might win again. Therefore, they will do whatever they can to stop Trump, and to stop the "deplorables" from being able to vote for him again.

In the event impeachment does not work (the Dems in the House can easily impeach, but conviction and removal in the Republican controlled Senate is unlikely), House Oversight and Government Reform Chair Elijah Cummings has another approach. He has sent 51 letters to the White House asking for information on 51 different subjects. Just imagine all of the subpoenas the Committee might issue in pursuit of getting Trump. It appears that the Democrats believe they were elected to get Trump, not to govern. Clearly, everything the Dems do over the next year will be done with one goal in mind - victory in 2020.

As evidenced by one letter writer to the USA Today, the elites of the left do not trust the American people. This letter typifies the left's attitudes towards Americans: "As much as I would love for Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., to run for president and win, I don't think she can. As evidenced by the last election, America will not vote for a woman, even though she is the most qualified, intelligent and experienced. Basically, the American electorate seems to be ignorant, puritanical and small-minded." Funny, I heard essentially identical comments about why Obama, a black man, could not win - Americans were ignorant, small-minded and racist. Obama then won twice. But that is what the Dems think of the American people.

But, Mike, the Democrats want to eliminate the electoral college in favor of direct election of the president by the people. Doesn't that mean that they trust the people? No. It means the Democrats felt cheated in both 2000 and 2016 after having won the popular vote but losing the electoral college vote. It means that the Dems support whatever they believe will benefit them at the moment. That is why Harry Reid, when Senate Majority leader, used the so-called "nuclear option" allowing a simple majority of votes, rather than the the traditional 60 votes, for approving lower court judges. (Mitch McConnell then did the same for Supreme Court justices.) Additionally, Democrats remain confident in their ability to buy votes. Allow felons to vote. Allow people to enter the country illegally and then give them the right to vote. And, offer an ever increasing amount of "free" stuff to voters - free health care, free education, a guaranteed wage. No doubt you can buy votes. Whether doing so bankrupts the country or has other negative consequences for the common good is of no concern. It is all about gaining power. The Founders were very wise people; not so much this current batch of leaders.

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