Sunday, January 6, 2019

New Year Reflections, Part I

In the last post I mentioned an individual who wanted to see President Trump impeached and indicted and spend the rest of his life in prison because of "the insanity he has wreaked upon our nation." Would that include the incredible job growth of adding 312,000 jobs in December, which virtually doubled expectations. With the cuts in taxes and regulations, and renegotiated trade deals, our economy is doing exceedingly well. CNBC reported that the "manufacturing industry posts the biggest annual job gain in 20 years." Is that part of the "insanity wreaked upon our nation?" Remember when Obama mocked Trump's claim that he would bring back manufacturing jobs, asking if Trump had a magic wand? The magic wand is a man who knows business versus a community organizer who never ran or understood any business.

Nancy Pelosi refuses to fund a border wall, claiming that "a wall is an immorality, it's not who we are as a nation." But she did vote for a fence in 2006, so I guess a fence is not an immorality. Are all walls immoral? How about walls around prisons? If any members of Congress have walls around their property or live in gated communities, should all such walls and barriers come down? The Israelis built a wall/barrier between themselves and the Palestinians. The result has been their wall has saved Israeli lives. So while Israeli leaders are protecting their citizens, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are protecting illegal aliens.

Pelosi did tell the USA Today that Trump was "being a fear monger." Pelosi: "He (Trump) talked about terrorists coming in over that particular border, which wasn't so. He talked about people bringing in diseases and all the rest of that, which wasn't so." And this: "He's using scare tactics that are not evidence-based, and it's wrong." You have to love the mainstream media. Each and every word out of Trump's mouth is vetted, but Pelosi can spew whatever nonsense she wants without a single challenge. No diseases brought in? In June, 2017, for just one example, the CDC reported that the rate of TB in Mexico was five (5) times greater than the US rate. But Pelosi somehow knows that not a single one of the thousands, no, millions who have entered illegally have carried any TB or other diseases. And the media does not think to ask how she knows the unknowable. It used to be knowable, because people were required to have medical exams either here at an immigration center or in other countries before being allowed to enter the US.

As for bad guys coming into the country, the Deputy White House press secretary reported in July, 2018, that in the fiscal year 2017 48,000 criminal aliens were arrested for assault, 12,000 for sexual offenses, and 2000 for homicides. Anybody really willing to bet their safety that terrorists are not coming in illegally as well as all the criminals? Maybe Pelosi can tell the family members of Newman, California police Corporal Ronil Singh, 33 years old with a wife and 5 month old son, why his life was less important than that of the illegal alien accused of murdering him. Singh, who was a native of Fiji, dedicated his life to helping people. His accused murderer had apparently been arrested twice, but given the State's sanctuary law ICE was never notified of his presence here, allowing him to then allegedly murder Cpl Singh. I wonder if anyone in the media might yet have any questions for Pelosi.

California, in addition to being a sanctuary state, passed some rather interesting legislation. As of the end of this year, publicly traded companies must have at least one woman on its Board of Directors; and must have two by 2021. Other than Hawaii, California likely has the highest percentage of Asians - about 15% of the population. So, shouldn't every Board with at least 8 members be required to have one Asian on the Board? This is not only more identity politics, but government mandated quotas based on identity. Every Jew should be very wary of that, assuming they are familiar with the way quotas were historically used to deny entry to Jews to colleges and universities, for instance.

California is also requiring public utilities to develop plans for renewable energy. 60% of the state's electricity is to be from wind, solar, and other renewable/clean energy by 2030, with 100% required by 2045. Don't get me wrong - I am certainly not opposed to clean energy. But one friend regularly emails me articles about the number of flying species killed by these windmills. Not to mention just how unsightly these windmills are. I would ask if the California legislature considered the economic consequences of this law, but let's not be silly.

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