Sunday, April 28, 2024

Where Is The Outrage! Part II

So just where are our leaders?  While some Democrats have stepped up, others have been woefully disappointing.  Former President Barack Obama graduated from Columbia.  I haven't seen or heard anything from him condemning the hate speech and threats against Jews?  Has anyone?  Recall that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer recently called for elections in Israel, suggesting it was time for Netanyahu to go?  Aside from the obvious election interference in another country's elections, the clear inference was that Israel, not Hamas, was the impediment to peace.

Now we have comments from former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.  "We recognize Israel's right to protect itself.  We reject the policy and practice of Netanyahu.  Terrible.  What could be worse than what he has done in response...he should resign."  She also said Netanyahu has been a "block" to peace "for years."   She now thinks that Biden should halt weapons transfers to Israel.  In the middle of a war Israel is fighting for its very existence!  I guess it's a good thing she was not an adviser to Roosevelt or Truman during WWII.  She would not have approved of the attacks on Germany and Japan.  

Pelosi:  "...he (Netanyahu) has been an obstacle to the two-state solution, and I emphasize the word, 'solution.'"  She is either ignorant or lying.  Time after time the Palestinians have been offered a state...going back to 1947.  Time after time they have refused.  They have made it clear that they will not accept a state as long as Israel exists.  What Hamas does say is "from the river to the sea" will be  "Palestine."  In other words, no Israel.  What Hamas does say, is that they will repeat the events of October 7 "over and over and over again."  Why isn't she talking about the hostages, some of whom are American?  Why isn't she talking about the growing Jew hatred in her country?

Remember how Biden said he was motivated to run in 2020 after Trump said there were "very fine people on both sides," with regards to Charlottesville?  (Trump belatedly explained that he was talking about the issue regarding the confederate statue, not the Neo-Nazi protesters.)  Well, here was Biden when he was asked about the protests on college campuses nationwide:  "I condemn the antisemitic protests.  That's why I've set up a program to deal with that.  I also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the Palestinians."  WHAT?!!

Did Biden just draw a moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas?  You bet he did!  There is no possible justification for the events of October 7...for the rape, mutilation and torture of women, and the murder and torture of innocent men, women, children and babies.  That is what Hamas did.  There is plenty of justification for Israel fighting back.  We repeatedly hear that 33.000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israelis.  I do not know if that is an accurate number, as it undoubtedly is provided by Hamas.  Even assuming it is correct, how many of those were Hamas terrorists?  Whatever the number, how does it differ from other wars?  For many years I have pointed out that for the D-MSMC (Democratic-Mainstream Media Complex) it's always a numbers game.  They never seem to be happy unless more Jews are also killed.   

But here is one political leader who has not lost his moral compass - Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson.  Speaking at Columbia this past week, here is some of what Speaker Johnson said.  "Today, Hamas issued an endorsement statement of the protesters on this campus.  They called them the future leaders of America.  It is detestable."  Detestable!  Some outrage!  Finally!  Johnson:  "Antisemitism has been growing in America and it's clear why.  Powerful people have refused to condemn it, and some have even it peddled it themselves."  Indeed.

Here is the problem for Biden and the Democrats.  They feel the need to make the moral equivalency argument, or just stay silent, so as not to offend their base.  But how despicable that they would want any of these anti-Israel, anti-American, Jew hating protesters to be part of their party.  Why did Biden have to wait to be asked to make a comment?  He's the President!  Why wasn't he out there making a strong statement condemning these Jew hating protesters?

This line about Columbia being private property is bull.  The police go onto private property all the time in order to protect people.  And if the police are outnumbered, call in the State Police.  If still outnumbered, the Governor of New York should call out the National Guard.  They would clear the area.  And if the Governor refuses, then Biden has the right to federalize the Guard, and order them to clear out the campus from these obstructors.  But he has to worry about the two-state solution - Michigan and Minnesota.  

(Oh.  You want to know what Trump said?  "What's going on at the college level and the colleges - Columbia, NYU and others - is a disgrace.  And it's really on Biden.  He has the wrong signal.  He's got the wrong tone.  He's got the wrong words.  He doesn't know who he's backing.  And it's a mess."  And:  "What's going on is a disgrace to our country."  I could not agree more.)   

1 comment:

  1. Agree with your posts most all the time Mike. Thank you for writing.
    As a Jew, I'd like to see you write a post on why the Jews continue to overwhelmingly support the Democrat party! They are insulted, ignored, taken for granted - why the blind support? Surely Jews way outnumber crazy "Palestinians" - so why doesn't Biden clearly support Israel?
    I long ago stopped thinking "how can this administration take such stupid positions" (on just about everything.) ? Because they're not really that stupid; they have the agenda to bring down our country and "fundamentally change" it! They think chaos is the best route to that end.
