Sunday, October 15, 2023

This Is Now Our America, Part I

A few preliminary comments.  Early on in the blog, I wrote a post called "Are We at War with Islam?  Part I."  It was posted August 29, 2010.  Another five parts followed.  I do suggest a reading of that post, which can easily be found on the web version by typing the title (without the Part I) into the search bar.  Also, before I get to the bad/sad news, I want to thank President Biden for continuing to support Israel.  (Yes, I am aware of the critics who say he should have gone much further.  But for now, as I always say, give credit where credit is due.)  The President has sent two aircraft carrier groups to the eastern Mediterranean.  He has been sending necessary war materiel to resupply Israel.  And, according to a former Israeli special forces operator, the Navy's Seal Team Six and the Army's Delta Force are already on the ground, assisting the Sayeret Natkal, Israel's premier special forces outfit, in order to assist in finding and extracting the hostages.  The search for hostages has delayed the ground invasion of Gaza.

It is beyond sad that here in America it has become difficult to call what Hamas did terrorism.  What other purpose could there be when they target civilians, including babies.  I saw online a picture of a little baby riddled with bullets.  I do not know how I will ever get that image out of my head.  Are we at war with Islam?  Just look at what is happening at college campuses across the country.  Just look at what is happening in major cities across the country, with so many rallying in support, not just for the Palestinians, but for Hamas.  (No one needs to email to tell that there are Muslims who support America and even Israel.  I know.  But their voices do not seem to be in the majority.)

At Harvard University, over two dozen student organizations signed off on this statement:  "We the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all the unfolding's events did not occur in a vacuum.  For the last two decades, millions of Palestinians in Gaza have been forced to live in an open-air prison...Israeli violence has structured every aspect of Palestinian existence for 75 years."  Nothing like blaming the victim.

But let's break that down.  "The Israeli regime."  No, Israel has regular elections, like all democracies.  On the other hand, although Hamas won the election in Gaza in 2006, they have allowed no further elections.  Calling Gaza "an open-air prison."  This is how the radical Muslims and the Left use language as propaganda.  Somehow, in this "prison" Hamas has managed to build a huge military arsenal.  Money and weapons come from Iran.  Hamas has used tons of cement to reinforce their underground tunnels.  But this is a "prison."  Let me be clear, to the extent Gaza is a prison it is because of Hamas, not Israel.  Hamas rules with an iron fist.  Imagine using all that cement (and the accompanying electrical wiring and lights) to build infrastructure where businesses could thrive.  But, again, Hamas does not give a damn about the people of Gaza.  Their one and only goal is the destruction of Israel.

"Israeli violence has structured every aspect of Palestinian existence for 75 years."  Just like the phrase "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," this is where these student groups tipped their hand and demonstrated their true beliefs.  Modern Israel has existed for 75 years.  When the United Nations voted partition of the British Mandate in 1947, the Jews were given a tiny piece of land.  But even that was too much for the Arabs, as 5 Arab nations attacked Israel in May, 1948, the day after the Jewish people announced the establishment of Eretz Israel, their historic homeland.  The fact that Israel still exists today is something that these pro-Palestinian groups cannot accept.  They still refer to the establishment of Israel as the "Nakba," which means catastrophe.  "From the river (the Jordan River) to the sea (the Mediterranean) Palestine will be free" means there is no Israel.  Keep in mind that Harvard is considered the premier university in the country.  But this is America now. 

Here is a professor from Yale, another one of the top universities in the country.  "Settlers are not civilians.  This is not hard," so said Zareena Grewal.  Calling Israelis settlers, people who live in Israeli towns outside of Gaza and outside of the West Bank (in what is considered Israel proper) again shows their true belief - all of Israel is land occupied by "settlers."  In other words, Israel has no right to exist.  You know what is "hard" professor?  It is hard to imagine that anyone who considers themselves a civilized person is unable to condemn the murder of babies, children and unarmed civilians.  Here is more from this professor:  "Israel is a murderous, genocidal settler state and Palestinians have every right to resist through armed struggle, solidarity."  Yes, Palestinians have every right to pump a dozen or more bullets into a baby.  This is beyond sick - it is pure evil.  I could give plenty of additional examples of what goes on our universities.  But this is America now.  

For those of you who may have supported Black Lives Matter (which I never understood as they are racist and antisemitic), here is what Mediaite reported:  "Black Lives Matter chapters across the country are celebrating the terrorist attacks that have claimed hundreds of innocent lives in Israel."  At last count, over 1300 hundred were murdered by Hamas terrorists.  Here is the LA Chapter of Black Lives Matter:  "...resistance must not be condemned, but understood as a desperate act of self-defense."  When did the murder of babies and children come to be called "resistance?"

I don't want to make this post overly political. but facts are facts, and these are important facts.  According to a Gallup poll conducted in February of this year, Democrats were asked where their sympathies lie in the Middle East.  In the January, 2013, poll, only 19% (bad enough) said their sympathies lie with the Palestinians over Israel, whereas 55% chose Israel.  Fast forward 10 years to February, 2023, and 49% of Democrats said their sympathies lie with the Palestinians, with only 38% favoring Israel.  How did this happen?  It happened because many "liberal" Democrats simply went along with their party even after it was dominated by "leftists," who are decidedly not "liberal" in any way.  It happened because these leftists now dominate in our colleges and universities, and even in our public schools.  

My wife and I attended two stand with Israel events this past week, both sponsored by Chabad.  I was pleased to see the turnout.  I also saw large turnouts at synagogues, as seen on the nightly news.  I saw young people and old people.  I saw Reform Jews, Conservative Jews and Orthodox Jews.  I saw/spoke with politically liberal and politically conservative Jews.  And I saw Christians at these rallies.  All standing together, united, in support of Israel.  

I'll end with this.  Many of you may have seen scenes at airports around the country and around the world, where young Jews are trying to get flights back to Israel in order to fight for their country.  The only social media I am on is LinkedIn.  I saw a post (I do not recall the country) where an El Al (the Israeli airlines) plane was about to take off.  Every seat was filled, but there were more young people in the airport who wanted to fly back to Israel.  The Captain told the flight attendants to give up their seats.  Then, with even more wanting to get on the flight, the Captain ordered they may be permitted on the plane and be allowed to sit or lay down on the floor.  This brought tears to my eyes.  

The Jewish people, acting as one in support of Israel.  Am Yisrael Chai!  The people of Israel live!          

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