Sunday, April 16, 2023

What Happens When The Power of the State Enforces Left-Wing Ideology

We are at a dangerous crossroads in our country.  The only question is whether it is too late to reverse course.  I recently heard a very disturbing story from another attorney.  He reported that another attorney he knows was investigated by the State Bar of California. This attorney's offense?  Apparently she posted on social media last year about a proposed abortion bill, saying that Democrats are pushing a bill that would allow abortion up to the due date.  I did a little research and looked at California's Proposition 1 and a proposed US House bill.  

Both measures allowed abortions up to the date of fetal viability.  But both measures also allowed abortion up to the due date in order to protect the health and life of the mother.  (I am not arguing the merits of these measures.  I have extensively discussed abortion in earlier posts.)  Here was an attorney making a point.  Technically, these measures do allow abortions up to the due date, at least under certain circumstances.  

Here are my questions.  Who reported this attorney to the State Bar, and why?  Was it a left-wing troll who supports abortion on demand?  Here is another question?  Why would the State Bar even investigate such a complaint?  Are there no longer any First Amendment protections?  Is there no right to express opinions that are contrary to the prevailing left-wing ideology?  I was told that this matter was dismissed by the State Bar, but without prejudice, and with a warning to the "offender" not to post videos.  Why not?  Why would this attorney lose her First Amendment rights?

In my March 5, 2023 post ("I'm Back After a Two Month Hiatus"), in the fifth paragraph, I discuss the State Bar pursuing charges against attorney John Eastman for advice he gave to Donald Trump in connection with the 2020 election.  I called it a "dangerous incursion by the Bar into politics."  And, I said " would appear to be the Left targeting yet another conservative."   

In a story out of Missouri that I read on Fox, it was reported that two teachers sued their school districts regarding mandatory diversity training.  Apparently, the "training" pushed the idea that America is systemically racist.  And, if you believe America is "color blind," that is a white supremacist idea.  The teachers were not seeking a monetary judgment; rather, they sought a ruling on the constitutionality of them having to agree with the "training."

The teachers lost.  Fox reported that the Obama appointed judge awarded the district $313,000 in attorney's fees.  Here are my questions.  How, on a teacher's salary, would these teachers be expected to be able to pay those fees?  Doesn't such an award act to deter others from seeking legal redress when left-wing ideology is being pushed on them?  And, isn't true diversity in an educational setting a diversity of ideas?    

It was not that long ago that I wrote about the letter sent by the left-wing National School Boards Association to the Biden Administration, complaining about parents showing up at local school board meetings.  These parents were complaining about some of the garbage being taught to their children.  But, in a nod to this left-wing organization, Merrick Garland, the Attorney General of the United States, issued a memorandum to the Director of the FBI, the Director of the US Attorneys, and to the assistant Attorney General in charge of the Criminal Division in the Justice Department.  The memo alleged that there was a "disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers and staff..."  (See the 10/17/21 post "The True Threat To Our Democracy - The Tyranny Of The Democrats, Part I (Biden Goes After Parents), for a further discussion of this issue.)

Here are my questions.  Was this such a national problem that the Attorney General needed to engage the full weight of the federal government to investigate protesting parents at local school board meetings?  Were the local authorities unable to deal with any unruly parents?  Again, what kind of chilling effect did this have on the willingness of parents to speak up for their children, and for the values they want instilled in them?  Was this just another example of state action on behalf of a left-wing organization?  

AG Garland:  "Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation's core values."  That might be more believable coming from Garland if he pursued charges against Senator Schumer for threatening Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.  It might be more believable if he put an end to the illegal protesting by pro-abortion protesters outside the homes of Supreme Court Justices.  But, then again, those protesters and Schumer are people on the Left.  What would be the result if they were conservatives?

I understand that earlier administrations improperly used the FBI.  But we are seeing a trend now.  When Obama was in office, the IRS was caught investigating conservative 501(c)(3) organizations and conservative individuals.  Let's not forget Obama's targeting of reporters as well.  This is the issue:  as the Left has increasingly taken over elected offices and government agencies, are they using their powers in a blatantly political way, on behalf of left-wing causes?  Is the government and its various agencies at all levels now targeting you if you are a conservative?  Will my blog be targeted next?  


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