Sunday, January 30, 2022

What About Biden? One Year In.

Things are not going well for President Biden.  And, people do not believe things are going well for the country.  In a Fox poll of 1/16 to 1/19/22, with a +/- 3% MOE, only 36% would want Biden reelected, with 60% saying they would vote for someone else.  In terms of his approval rating, he is upside down on major issues.  For border security, 37% approve, 59% disapprove; on the economy 41% approve, 58% disapprove; on foreign policy 41% approve, 54% disapprove; and on the coronavirus 46% approve and 52% disapprove.  

In an AP-NORC poll taken 1/13 to 1/18/22, only 26% say the country is moving in the right direction.  Nearly three quarters, 74%, say the country is moving in the wrong direction.  And this poll has only 48% of Democrats wanting Biden to run again.  Overall, however, only 28% overall say he should run again.  70% say he should not.

Back in 2018 President Trump called NBC's Chuck Todd a "sleepy son of a bitch."  This was supposed to be just one example of how nasty Trump could get.  Biden, on the other hand, ran as a nice guy, in contrast to Trump.  And Biden told us he would be a unifier.  On Biden's first day in office, he told his staff:  "I am not joking when I say this, if you are ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise you I will fire you on the spot.  No ifs, ands or buts."  

Recently, Biden called White House reporter Peter Doocy a "stupid son of a bitch."  I think that's worse than Trump's "sleepy son of a bitch."  He told another reporter, "what a stupid question."  He has demonstrated time and again that he has little tolerance for those who disagree with him.  Just recently, Biden told those who disagreed with his proposed voting rights legislation (actually, a federal takeover of elections) that they were on the side of George Wallace, Bull Connor and Jefferson Davis.  By all means, Mr. President, do not try to persuade people by any means other than demagoguery.  Because we know how "unifying" and persuasive that technique is.   

One year in office, what has Biden accomplished?  Yes, he got the infrastructure bill passed on a bipartisan basis.  But he did not get his Build Back Better bill, filled with left-wing giveaways.  He did not get his voting legislation passed, a left-wing dream piece of legislation that would have the Feds taking over all elections.  He has not ended the coronavirus, as he promised he would do - after blaming Trump for much of it.  Yet Trump's Operation Warp Speed helped provide vaccines to 250 million Americans.  Biden has not secured the border.  Just the opposite, as his Administration is secretly flying single men all over the country at taxpayer expense.  These are men who crossed illegally into the country.  

Foreign policy?  Admittedly, the Ukraine issue is complex.  No doubt that our European allies should be taking the lead.  And some European countries are stepping up.  But the leading power, Germany, has proven to be...well, Germany.  They have little interest in other than continuing to get cheap energy from Russia.  Not to mention their deal making with China and Iran.  Russia essentially controls Belarus already.  If Ukraine falls, are Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia next?  Will it encourage China to take Taiwan, and Iran to expand further in the Middle East, and complete their development of nuclear weapons?  And how much do we/should we care if the free world shrinks and the dictators control an ever expanding part of the planet.   

Biden now has an opportunity to appoint a Justice to the Supreme Court.  He says he will appoint a black woman.  I have no problem with a black woman serving on the Court.  But let's be honest.  Is he really interested in appointing a competent and knowledgeable black female jurist to the High Court?  Or, do we also have to add that she must be a liberal?  The only question is, will Biden seek a far left jurist, or a more classic liberal.  Because, we know what an uproar Trump caused in the media and the Democratic Party by daring to appoint conservatives - even though one was a woman.  What Biden does with this appointment may very well signal whether or not he continues to be follow the dictates of the far left wing of his party.

I'll end with one commentator's assessment of Biden's first year:  "He's (Biden) no longer seen as competent and effective, no longer seen as a good commander-in-chief, or perhaps most damaging, as easy-going and likeable.  In fact, just 5% of adults say Mr. Biden has performed better than expected as president, one of the many lowest firsts and fewest in our poll."  Sean Hannity of Fox News?  No, Chuck Todd of NBC.        

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