Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Year End Reflections, Part I (In Case You Had Any Doubt)

I certainly had no doubt, especially given the number of times that people on the left stopped being friends with me because of political differences.  But now I have located poll numbers to prove it.  People on the left are far more intolerant than people on the right.  Does this really surprise anyone?

An Axios poll of college students conducted last month is quite revealing.  71% of Democrats would not go on a date with the someone who voted for the opposing party's presidential candidate, while only 31% of Republicans felt the same way.

41% of Democrats said they would not shop at, nor support a business, who voted for the opposing candidate.  But only 7% of Republicans agreed with that.  And while 30% of Democrats would not work for someone who voted for the opposing party, only 7% of Republicans concurred.

And, perhaps most telling, 37% of Democrats would not be friends with someone who voted for the opposing party, a mere 5% of Republicans agreed with that position.

A Pew Research poll of all adults from 2019 bears out the same findings.  43% of "single and looking" Democrats would not be willing to be in a relationship with a Republican.  But only 24% of Republicans described an unwillingness to be in a relationship with a Democrat.  

Now, some may argue these differences are all due to Trump/Trump derangement syndrome.  Maybe in part.  But some commentators have long discussed the fact that Democrats think Republicans are evil, while Republicans tend to think that Democrats are wrong.  And Axios commented on the fact that some Democrats simply believe their issues - such as abortion, LGBTQ rights, and immigration - are more important than any issues Republicans care about.  I guess that means things like free speech, liberty, less government involvement in our lives, capitalism and the like, are relatively unimportant. 

One thing is certain.  I have not ended any friendships with those holding opposing political beliefs.  But that has not stopped friends and colleagues of 25 years, 30 years and 40 years (3 different individuals) from ceasing their friendships with me - simply providing yet more examples of left-wing intolerance.    

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