Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Return of the Coronavirus - Nancy Pelosi Has Her Select Committee on January 6, 2021, and Other Matters

Is the coronavirus back?  The concern seems to be the Delta variant.  But overwhelmingly it is the unvaccinated who are getting sick and being hospitalized.  The CDC is again recommending that those with certain underlying conditions mask up again, even if they are fully vaccinated.  The local NBC station reports that L.A. County now has 891 people hospitalized - the highest number since 3/13/21.  

The House Select Committee on the events of January 6 opened with their first hearings today.  Speaker Pelosi gave herself eight appointments to the committee, and allowed five to be appointed by minority leader McCarthy.  Except, not really.  Pelosi booted two of those five, Jim Jordan and Jim Banks, both Trump supporters.  She admitted that her decision to not allow two of the minority party's selections was "unprecedented."  

Pelosi attempted to justify her unprecedented decision with this:  "With respect for the integrity of the investigation, with an insistence on the truth and with concern about statements made and actions taken by these members, I must reject the recommendations."  "Pelosi" and "truth" do not belong in the same sentence.  She appointed Adam Schiff to the committee, notwithstanding Schiff lying for over two years about his irrefutable evidence of Russian collusion.  The truth is that she did not want Jordan and Banks asking any questions about what threats were known in advance and why there was not greater security provided that day.

But I'm confused by the entire proceeding.  I thought the House already concluded that this was all Trump's fault when they impeached him a second time back in January.  Why are they having hearings over six months later?  Oh, I know.  These are the hearings that they should have had before voting on impeachment.  This is what the House Judiciary Committee should have done before any impeachment vote.  But that did not suit the political ends of the Speaker.  No, the purpose was to impeach Trump, weaken Trump, and most importantly, weaken the Republican Party.  And, how disappointing that two Republicans, Cheney and Kinzinger, not only voted to impeach Trump without any evidentiary hearing first, but also agreed to be used as political pawns by consenting to serve on the Select Committee when their party's choices were denied seats.  But Pelosi got what she wanted - a committee that will speak with a single voice.  Contrary opinions not welcome.  How's that for democracy?

But no one should be confused about where I stand.  I made my position clear in my 1/10/21 post.  I said that I was appalled by watching people invade the Capitol building.  I condemned it.  The attacks on police officers could not be justified.  The threats to elected officials could not be justified.  But I do not agree with President Biden's comment that the attack on the Capitol on January 6 was the "worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War."  Just to name a couple of big ones, how about the attack on Pearl Harbor?  How about 9/11?  And what about the nationwide rioting and looting last summer resulting in $2 billion worth of economic damage to businesses and government facilities, with different sources reporting 19 or 25 people killed.  How about the general lawlessness we are now seeing with surging crime rates, and prosecutors who will not prosecute?  How is that for democracy and the rule of law?  

As a new grandfather, this next story is one that I could not pass up.  Dennis Prager reported on some letters to the editor in the New York Times.  I wish these were made up.  Said one letter writer:  "I have one child, a daughter, who told me (at) age 8 that she would never have a child because of global warming.  She's now 34 and has never changed her mind.  So I will not experience a grandchild.  For her wisdom I am grateful.  I would be heartsick if I did have a grandchild who would have to experience the onslaught of changing climate."  Other letters expressed a similar sentiment.  

Holding my new granddaughter is just the best.  She is a blessing to the entire family.  I am grateful that I lived long enough to meet my granddaughter, and I pray that I have many more years so that I can watch her grow.  Prager said he agreed with these letter writers about their children not having children of their own:  "The world doesn't need more fools."  Not just fools, but evil fools.  After all, what parent has so frightened their 8 year old daughter to make her think that the world is ending.  People who stood on street corners with signs saying "The End is Near" used to be thought of as kooks.  But not now.  I would like to know who is able to tell me when the world will be ending.  If no one is able to do so, then those not having children are indeed fools.  And frightened fools at that.  As far as I know, people continued to have children throughout the worst events in history.  

I am reminded of a scene in Annie Hall, which is a flashback to the young Alvy Singer (Woody Allen's character) being taken to the doctor by his mother.  She tells the doctor that the young Alvy is depressed, and he won't do his homework.  When the doctor asks why, young Alvy replies:  "What's the point?  The universe is expanding."  At which point his mother tells him:  "Brooklyn is not expanding."  For those letter to the editor writers, the universe is expanding.  For those of us who have not lost their minds, Brooklyn is not expanding.  Nor is the town or city in which we live.  So, let the morons not procreate.  The fewer the better.  

Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream joined the BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) movement against Israel.  Oh, they deny it.  Here is what the Chairperson of the Board, Anuradha Mittal, said about it:  "I am proud of @ben and jerrys for taking a stance to end sale of its ice cream in the Occupied Palestinian Territory."  Without recounting the entire history of the area, there is no "occupied Palestinian territory," because there has never been a Palestinian state on any of the land.

And:  "This action is not antisemitic.  I am not antisemitic."  Actually, she is a liar and an antisemite.  Here is a Tweet from 2018:  "The catastrophe continues # Nakba 70 years later # palestine bleeds Boycott Divest Sanction # Israel."  "Nakba" is the Arabic term for "disaster."  It is said in connection with the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948, which the Palestinians call a "catastrophe."  It is why Ms. Mittal referred to the "Nakba 70 years later" in 2018 - calling the establishment of Israel 70 years earlier a catastrophe.  Good to know that saying such a thing about the one Jewish state in the world is not being antisemitic.  One thing is certain:  there will be no Ben and Jerrys ice cream in this house.       



  1. So worrying about your a terrible future for your potential grandchildren makes you evil? I'd argue the opposite: people who bury their heads in the sand and say grandchildren are blessings without giving a damn about the state of the world we've left them with are the evil ones. Saying your granddaughter "is a blessing" is completely besides the point and ignores mounds of scientific evidence, though I suppose that's par for the course for conservatives these days. Anecdotally, I know of many younger people who think twice about bringing children into the world because of the trajectory it's on. Perhaps instead of calling them evil, our entire generation (baby-boomer here) should do some introspection on the great harm we've caused them by pursuing unfettered wealth at all costs, environmental consequences (don't even get me started on the social consequences of it all) be damned.

  2. Well, anonymous, thank you for your comment. But I stand by my assertion that any adult who so frightens an eight year old about the future of the world that she has already decided at age 8 not to have children, is evil.

    As a baby boomer, you likely remember the dire predictions about overpopulation, and the coming of a new ice age. And, actually, our generation has done quite a bit in creating cleaner waterways and cleaner air.

    I wonder if, had you been young and thinking of having children during the Great War or World War II, if you would have refrained. I wonder if you suggested to your own children, if you have any, that they not have children.

    The world can be a dangerous place. That's been true all throughout history. So we can either live in fear, or carry on as did every generation before us.

    So, yes, my granddaughter is a blessing - and that is entirely the point.
