Wednesday, July 14, 2021

A Quick Look at the Biden Administration

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken actually invited the UN to investigate the US.  Why?  Because of "the scourge of racism, racial discrimination, and xenophobia" in the US.  For those of you who believe that things have improved greatly, in terms of racial issues, in the last 70 years, you would be wrong.  If you believe that other countries in the world that have far worse human rights violations than the US, countries such as China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and North Korea, you would be wrong again.  In fact, those same countries were the ones criticizing the US last year, following the death of George Floyd.  Here's a question for virtually any sane person on the planet:  in which country would you prefer to live - the US, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia or North Korea?  Maybe Blinken should live in one of those countries for a year, and then tell us which country needs investigating for human rights abuses.

  Not to be outdone, Homeland Security Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, decided to comment on the current demonstrations by the people of Cuba against their dictatorial, communist regime.  In case any of those demonstrators were thinking of trying to make their way to the US, Mayorkas told them:  "Allow me to be clear: if you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States."  And:  "If individuals establish a well-founded fear of persecution or torture, they are referred to third countries for settlement."

To "third" countries?  How is it that the Biden Administration has open arms for other Central American and South American "refugees" who have a "well-founded rear of persecution or torture?"  Actually, those people need not have any fear at all.  As long as they are able to cross our southern border they get to stay.  And they get to settle anywhere within the US that they choose.  So why are Cubans, actual refugees with legitimate fears of persecution or worse, being treated differently?  I would not be the first to suggest that Cubans generally are likely to identify as Republican.  But the ones likely to identify as Democrats are more than welcome.  

Recently, Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib said this:  "Just this past week, Israel demolished and leveled the home of a Palestinian family in the beloved village of Turmusaya.  For what?  To dehumanize."  That was a complete lie.  The house was not randomly selected by Israeli authorities to "dehumanize."  Congresswoman Tlaib left out the fact that the house was that of a murdering terrorist who killed a 19 year old Jewish Yeshiva student.  (A Yeshiva is an orthodox Jewish school.)  And, the murderer also wounded two others.

But why would Tlaib mention that?  She does not believe that Israel should even exist.  And while she may understand that Israel destroys houses of terrorists and Jew killers in the hopes of deterring further attacks, it is clear that a Jewish life is worth less than the house of a murderer in her eyes.  And what does this have to do with the Biden Administration?  The aforementioned Secretary of State Blinken joined in the criticism of Israel for leveling the house and trying to deter future attacks.

Here's President Biden on Republican led states actually trying to make sure that everyone who votes has a right to do so:  "Twenty-first century Jim Crow is real.  And we're going to challenge it vigorously."  By which Biden means he has asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to file lawsuits against some Republican states that have passed laws requiring some form of voter ID.  These lawsuits are not being filed because of "Jim Crow" laws.  That is a blatant lie.  Yet Biden continues to lie about the Georgia election.  Recall that Biden encouraged Major League Baseball to move yesterday's All Star game from Atlanta to Denver.  

Never mind that the Washington Post fact checker gave Biden's comment 4 pinocchios - the biggest lie.  Never mind that the All Star game may have have cost Atlanta businesses, many black-owned, $100 million.  That money went to the overwhelmingly white state of Colorado.  With regards to those states trying to ensure election integrity, Biden said "They want to make it so hard...that they hope people don't vote at all."  So, if people don't vote, who wins?  

But Biden did get to the truth behind his lies:  "We must pass the 'For the People Act.'  It's a national imperative."  That act, known as HR1 in the House, and SB1 in the Senate, would result in a federal takeover of all state elections.  It more accurately should be titled the "For the Democrats Act."  As funnyman Greg Gutfeld of Fox said:  "Every American has the right to vote, except the left's favored voting blocs, which are felons, illegal immigrants, and the dead."  Although he left out 16 and 17 year olds.  The "For the People Act" is meant to deal with those currently "disenfranchised" voters.

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