Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Democrats and Their Allies Chime In

Sure, President Biden said that Israel has the right to defend itself.  But if that is the best he can do, it is weak and disappointing.  It is merely stating the obvious - what country does not have the right to defend itself?  I would have liked to have heard harsh condemnations of Hamas.  I would have liked to have heard the threat of withholding aid from the Palestinians.

Here is Democrat Palestinian Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib:  "American taxpayer money is being used to commit human rights violations.  Congress must condition the aid we send to Israel, and end it altogether if those conditions are not followed."  Hamas sends thousands of rockets into Israeli cities.  They have even caused the deaths of Arab Israeli citizens.  But that is of no consequence to Tlaib.  Israel does its best to avoid human casualties.  But Hamas places its rockets in populated areas.  All wars have human casualties.  As a Jew, I do not celebrate the deaths of innocents - be they Palestinians or others.  I wish I could say the same for others.  

Here is Democrat Congresswoman Cori Bush:  "The fight for Black Lives and the fight for Palestinian liberation are interconnected.  We oppose our money going to fund militarized policing, occupation, and systems of violent oppression and trauma."  My guess is that she sees Israelis as white oppressors of brown Palestinians.  But we Jews are a people.  We are white, black, brown and even Asian.  

Here's one branch of Black Lives Matter:  "Black Lives Matter Paterson (NJ) condemns the ongoing violence against Palestinians in East Jerusalem by the state of Israel and stands in solidarity with those fighting occupation."  I doubt that BLM has any clue as to the history of the Middle East.  It is clear, however, that their condemnation of "violence" does not apply to the terrorist group Hamas.  One really needs to take a step back in order to realize that US Members of Congress support a terror group against our ally Israel.  

Here is Democrat Jewish Senator Bernie Sanders:  "The devastation in Gaza is unconscionable.  We must urge an immediate ceasefire."  And:  "My solution is to say to Israel:  'You get $3.8 billion every year.  If you want military aid, you're going to have to fundamentally change your relationship to the people of Gaza."  And this gem:  "We must change course and adopt an evenhanded approach."  The people of Gaza voted in Hamas, a terrorist organization, as their government.  So Israel must change, but Hamas can continue to be a terrorist organization?  An evenhanded approach?  The fact that a US Senator can make such a preposterous comment is well beyond disturbing.  I can only imagine Sanders during WWII:  "I know that Germany is attacking our allies England and France, and has taken over parts of France, but the US should take an evenhanded approach to this war."  

Here is one CNN host to former Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett:  "How can any strikes on Gaza, which is such a densely populated area, be targeted at military sites only?"  The question, of course, answers itself.  But Bennett had to explain it to this CNN host:  "Perhaps you suggest we just lay back, let them shoot rockets at us, not shoot back, because they are hiding the rockets behind women and children.  Would you do that?"  

Here is Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar:  "Israeli air strikes killing civilians in Gaza is an act of terrorism.  Palestinians deserve protection.  Unlike Israel, missile defense programs, such as Iron Dome, don't exist to protect Palestinian civilians.  It's unconscionable to not condemn these attacks on the week of Eid."  What's unconscionable is the fact that Omar and others like her actually serve in the US Congress.  Omar is upset that the attacks are occurring during the week of Eid, but instead of blaming Hamas for launching rockets during that week, she blames Israel for fighting back and defending itself.  And, of course, the implication is that it is unfair for Israel to have the Iron Dome missile defense system when the Palestinians do not.

Comedian Trevor Noah has a similar idea of fairness.  "If you were in a fight where the other person cannot beat you, how hard should you retaliate when they try to hurt you?"  Noah is expressing one of the left's favored talking points - the issue of "proportionality."  Is Israel's response proportionate to the attack on Israel.  Without the Iron Dome system, the 3000+ rockets launched by Hamas into Israel would likely have killed hundreds, if not thousands, of Israelis.  But it's always a numbers game for the left - enough Jews are not dying compared to the number of Palestinians dying.  Here is how you can have zero Palestinians dying - stop launching rockets into Israel.  Problem solved.  I wonder how people like Noah and Sanders would feel if a violent extremist group moved in next door to them and started firing bullets indiscriminately into their houses.  Would they call the police?  If so, would they ask the police not to use disproportionate force to stop the shooting, or would they insist on the police putting an immediate end to the threat by all means necessary?  Is Noah is fine with millions of Israelis having to live in bomb shelters and not being able to go about their normal lives?  

Here is Kamala Harris' niece, Meena Harris:  "One cannot advocate for racial equality, LGBT and women's rights, condemn corrupt and abusive regimes and other injustices yet choose to ignore the Palestinian oppression.  It does not add up.  You cannot pick and choose whose human rights matter more."  Really?  She clearly does.  Where does she think that the LGBT community has greater protection - Israel or Gaza?  There are gay pride parades in Israel.  Try being openly gay in Gaza.  And women?  It should be easy enough for Harris to research the multiple ways women are discriminated against in Gaza.  But that would not comport with her, and the left's, talking points.  Better to ignore the truth. 

In a March, 2021 Gallup poll, the results clearly show the differences between the two parties and their views on the Middle East.  An overwhelming 80% of Republicans say their sympathies lie more with Israel, with only 10% saying with the Palestinians.  For Democrats, less than a majority (43%) say their sympathies lie more with Israel, as compared to 38% who sympathize more with the Palestinians.  

There are other Democrats in Congress who have spoken out against Israel.. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has.  Jamaal Bowman has.  Others have more gently expressed their "concern" about Israel's actions.  Meanwhile, within Israel itself, there have been attacks by Arabs on Jews and Jewish property in certain cities, with the most reported being in the city of Lod.  It is bad enough for Israel to have to fight an external enemy, but for Israeli Arabs to attack fellow Israelis who are Jews?  Those Arab citizens who are attacking Jews in Israel are doing so in order to demonstrate their support for an enemy of the state.  I would give them a choice - move to Gaza or we will deport you to Gaza.

My support for Israel is not contingent on which party is running the government, or who sits in the Prime Minister's office.  I know that left-wing American Jews  view Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as simply being another Republican.  Well, guess what?  When Israel comes under attack like this, the people of Israel stand united, left and right.  American Jews should do the same.  Am Yisrael Chai!  The people of Israel live!  The Jewish nation lives!     

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