Friday, October 30, 2020

The Coronavirus Thirty-three Weeks Later - This is Biden's America

The recent debate between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden actually gave us some fairly good insight into Biden's view of the world.  Combined with the views of others in his party we get a pretty good insight into what to expect should the Democrats win.  

Mark Kelley is the Democratic candidate for the US Senate in Arizona.  A staffer of his referred to Chicago police officers as "worthless fucking pigs."  In Biden's America we can expect a huge push to defund the police.  Here is the Mayor of Flemington, New Jersey:  "This is day one of the new SCOTUS term - the religious zealots want to enact the Christian version of Sharia law.  If you voted for the orange monster with COVID, go fuck yourself.  If you plan on voting for him again, unfriend me and go fuck yourself again."  Aside from the utter contempt for the primary religion in this country, this quote is a good indicator of just how "unifying" we can expect the Democrats to be.  

At the debate, Trump said:  "I have to say we're learning to live with with it.  We have no choice.  We can't lock ourselves up in a basement like Joe does."  Biden's retort:  "He says 'We're learning to live with it.'  People are learning to die with it."  In case you are wondering whether Biden would shut the country down, during the 2009 Swine flu he said he would advise his family not to fly, or ride on subways, or be in classrooms or other confined spaces.  (See the second post, "The Vice President of the United States," written in May, 2009 and posted November 26,2009.)  The CDC estimated that from 4/12/09 to 4/10/10 there were 60.8 million cases and 12,469 deaths.  Any death is sad, but if Biden would basically shut the country down with less than 12,500 deaths, imagine what he will do with 250,000 deaths.

Although I do have a question.  If Biden could do such a better job with the coronavirus than Trump, then why during his second term as Vice President did we still have from 24 million to 34 million cases of flu per year, with between 23,000 and 51,000 deaths.  Why wasn't Biden pushing mask wearing and social distancing?  Why was Biden letting Americans to learn to die from the flu?

Biden at the debate:  "All you teachers out there, not that many of you are going to die, so don't worry about it.  Come on!"  At what point do we close schools and society down?  With one death?  10?  100?  1000?  During Biden's last two years as VP, 35,485 people died in auto accidents in 2015, with another 37,806 dying in 2016.  And 64,795 dying from unintentional poisoning.  Where was our Vice President?  It is not an answer to say coronavirus deaths are preventable.  I can prevent all auto accident deaths tomorrow by banning the use of motor vehicles.  The Democrats ignore the fact that we have 50 governors who shut down, or not, their states at different times and to different extents.  They also ignore the desire of people to work in order to support themselves and their families.

Biden also told us:  "I would transition from the oil industry, yes."  I have to imagine that Biden simply has no idea that thousands of products, not simply gasoline, rely on oil/petroleum.  Products such as ink, pens, tires, umbrellas, linoleum, rubber and even crayons, among other things.  Biden will put the US back in the Iran nuclear deal.  That will put an end to the Sunni Arabs willing to openly make peace with Israel, which increases stability in the dangerous Middle East.  And it will further the policy of appeasement towards the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism.

We can also expect increasing anti-Semitism under a Biden Administration.  Why?  Because the Democrats are blind to the anti-Semitism within their own party.  My fellow Jews can only see the threat of anti-Semitism from the Right.  75%, in a recent poll, said that there is a "very serious" or "moderate" threat of anti-Semitism from the Right.  53% saw the threat from Radical Islam.  But only 32% saw the threat from the far Left.  But when we isolate the Republican Jews, 71% see the threat from the Left.  

On Sunday, 10/26/20, there was a Jews for Trump caravan in New York City.  Anti-Trump protesters shouted obscenities at them, threw things at them, used pepper spray against them, and took US flags and Trump banners off their cars.  Typical was the giving of the middle finger, yelling "get the fuck out," and "fuck you."  And:  "New York hates you," and "we don't want you here."  I have no doubt that if the police were not there, we would have had some dead Jews.  Any doubt in anyone's mind who those anti-Trump "protesters" will vote for?  

We also know that anti-Semitism has been increasing on college campuses across the country.  But on 12/11/19 President Trump signed an "Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism."  "It shall be the policy of the executive branch to enforce Title VI against prohibited forms of discrimination rooted in anti-Semitism as vigorously as against all other forms of discrimination prohibited by Title VI.  Let's be honest - the main perpetrators of anti-Semitism on college campuses are Democrats and Leftists.  And they hate Israel.  

Perhaps the most astonishing, the most unimaginable, is the desire of some Democrats to cede US sovereignty to the UN.  This group of Congress members, all Democrats and led by "the squad," has asked the UN to investigate United States officials, specifically those at the Department of Homeland Security.  After detailing their concerns, their letter to the UN advises that "these allegations illustrate a clear pattern of alleged human rights violations by DHS."  Sure, let's have countries such as Russia and China and Venezuela judge Americans.  The letter:  "When considered in the context of the United States' long and shameful history of forcibly sterilizing incarcerated women and the numerous human rights abuses already leveled against DHS, the necessity of an independent investigation is clear."  Next will be subjecting US troops to international tribunals - perhaps all those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.  

I could fill up this entire post with nothing but horrible things said by Democratic elected officials and commentators about how evil Republicans and the Republican Party are.  But here is the premier mainstream paper in the entire country, the New York Times, describing the G.O.P.:  "a hollowed-out shell devoid of ideas, values and integrity, committed solely to preserving its own power even at the expense of democratic norms, institutions and ideas."  See the last post for the party intent on permanently insuring their "right" to govern.  As for the rest, the Times' ad hominem mudslinging tells us just how low that paper has sunk, more than it says anything about Republicans.

Many people fear there will be violence after the election.  If Biden wins, there will likely be no violence.  It is not what conservatives and Republicans do.  But if Trump wins, expect more of what we've seen over the summer.  Here is Daniel Henninger's Op-Ed in the 10/29/20 Wall Street Journal:  "The concurrent protests in so many cities (following the death of George Floyd) and the individuals who spoke on their behalf revealed a darker side to the Democrats - a party whose most visible supporters see the United States as a failed nation, a country of irredeemable inequities and people with reflexively racist instincts."

You know, I actually agree with something Joe Biden said at the debate.  If he wins, "we're about to go into a dark winter, a dark winter."




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