Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Coronavirus Ten Weeks Later (Part II) - Back to Politics

Yes, Joe Biden actually said to a black man: "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." Yes, he did apologize afterwards. But so what? He could not have said, or even thought of, something like that unless he actually believed it. And they tell us that Republicans are the racists. But it is not just Biden. There are blacks who agree. And there are Jews who do not understand how I, a Jew, can vote Republican. Frankly, it is racist group think.

Meanwhile, over in Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz formed a unity government, after 3 elections produced no clear winner. As part of their unity agreement there was discussion of Israel "annexing" parts of the West Bank. However, 18 US Senators, all Democrats and including two Jews, sent a letter to Netanyahu and Gantz, objecting to annexation. "As friends and supporters of Israel, we caution you against taking unilateral steps that would fray our unique bonds, imperil Israel's future and place out of reach the prospect of a lasting peace." Some friends these Democrats are. I don't need friends threatening me.

Instigating the letter were Senators Chris Murphy, Connecticut, Tim Kaine, Virginia, and Chris Van Hollen, Maryland. Also signing the letter were these Senators: Dick Durbin, Elizabeth Warren (who may be Biden's running mate as VP), Tammy Duckworth, Sherrod Brown, Tammy Baldwin, Patrick Leahy, Jeff Merkley, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ed Markey, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen and Tom Carper. I have discussed in many prior posts Israel's right to "occupy" and even "annex" part of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria). I will simply point out here that the Jordan River valley must always remain under Israeli control, lest outside forces (think Iran, Al Qaeda and ISIS) are mere minutes away from Israel's greatest population centers. Furthermore, applying Israeli sovereignty to the 500,000 Jews living across the 1949 armistice lines, makes clear that those people are part of the State of Israel.

The Dems are not taking any chances. In the event that Donald Trump wins reelection, they have put impeachment back on the table. Really. In their recent arguments to get the Supreme Court to order the release of the Mueller investigation's grand jury testimony, the Democrats argued they have an "ongoing presidential impeachment investigation," which they describe as part of their "weighty constitutional responsibility." Essentially, they were on a fishing expedition, and argued that new material may lead to new articles of impeachment. These people are disgusting. They never accepted their 2016 defeat, and it is clear they have no intention of accepting another defeat. (It is worth rereading the March 12, 2017 post (less than 2 months after Trump's inauguration) called "The Deposing of an American President.")

After acting DNI Rick Grenell ordered the release of Omama Administration officials' testimony to the House Intelligence Committee, we learned what a farce the entire Russian collusion story was. James Clapper, Obama's DNI: "I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting or conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election." Obama's National Security Adviser, Susan Rice: "I don't recall intelligence that I would consider evidence." Obama's Attorney General, Loretta Lynch: "I do not recall that being briefed up to me." Then we have Evelyn Farkas, Obama's Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, who desperately sought to distribute as much information as possible about the incoming Administration of Donald Trump: "I didn't know anything." Then Congressman Trey Gowdy specifically asked her: "You also didn't know whether or not anybody in the Trump campaign had colluded with Russia, did you?" Farkas: "I didn't." And all the while Democratic Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, was telling the American people he had definitive evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.

The Justice Department decided to drop their prosecution of Michael Flynn, after it became clear that it was a set-up. The FBI agents who interviewed him did not think he was lying. But an FBI memo made clear, when asking what the goal was - "get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired?" Obama was unable to refrain from commenting on the DOJ dropping its prosecution of Michael Flynn: "That's the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic - not just institutional norms - but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk." Please. How sad that so many Dems actually believe that Obama was squeaky clean. But here is the real story.

As David Hirsanyi wrote in the 5/12/20 National Review: "By 2016, the Obama administration's intelligence community had normalized domestic spying. Obama's Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, famously lied about snooping on American citizens to Congress. His CIA Director, John Brennan, oversaw an agency that felt comfortable spying on the Senate, with at least five of his underlings breaking into congressional computer files. His attorney general, Eric Holder, invoked the Espionage Act to spy on a Fox News journalist...The Obama administration also spied on Associated Press reporters, which the news organization called a "massive and unprecedented intrusion." He further explains: "Obama officials were caught monitoring the conversations of members of Congress who opposed the Iran nuclear deal." Not to mention Obama's use of the IRS to target conservative groups.

But Obama is worried about the rule of law? And Trump is the threat to democracy? I've got the London Bridge for sale, if you're interested.

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