Monday, January 6, 2020

Blockheads! (I thought it sounded nicer than Morons.)

Eric Swalwell, Democratic Representative from California, and onetime presidential candidate, Tweeted this after the attack in Monsey: "Anti-Semitism is on the rise in America. And it's being stoked by @real Donald Trump who won't condemn it and Trump's lawyer, @Rudy Giuliani, who just this week said he's 'more Jewish than Soros.'" Trump actually did condemn the attack and anti-Semitism. Just to clarify, the theory is that Trump supports white supremacists, but a black man is the suspected perpetrator in Monsey. So, now the theory is that Trump is a black supremacist? Dem. Rep. Ilhan Omar (known to have said one anti-Semitic comment after the next) retweeted Swalwell's comment. Coming from someone who actually does stoke anti-Semitism, that is what Jews call chutzpah (unmitigated gall).

Here is another blockhead, Dem. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, after the Jersey City shooting at a kosher market: "This is heartbreaking. White supremacy kills." Except, in the Jersey City case, the two shooters were black. Last June, Dem. Mayor of New York City, Bill De Blasio, said this: "The ideological movement that is anti-Semitic is the right wing." Then, after the Jersey City murders by two blacks, blockhead De Blasio said: "The violence overwhelmingly is coming from right-wing forces, white supremacist forces, direct linear descents of Nazism and fascism and the Ku Klux Klan. That's the reality." The reality is also that in New York City in 2019, fully one-third of those arrested for anti-Semitic hate crimes were black. Maybe De Blasio should refrain from such comments, given that his wife and son are black.

Sadly, we heard from some Jewish blockheads as well. From "Jews for Racial and Economic Justice," we heard that "Anti-Semitism is on the rise. It is in the water. It is being fueled by a white nationalist administration." And this: "Our response to anti-Semitic violence must focus on building solidarity with other groups targeted by white supremacy, not increased policing." So, police are bad. And, do not name black anti-Semitism nor Islamic Jew hatred nor Leftist anti-Semitism. Let's just pretend that anti-Semitism only originates from the Right.

"Jewish Voice for Peace" expressed a similar sentiment. "We know we have to address rising white nationalist violence - against Jews, Muslims, Black people and all people of color - while not relying on the very forces detaining and locking up and killing our friends, family and neighbors." So, police are not just bad, they are killers. Again, one Left-wing group protects another. Left-wing Jews will not stand up for their fellow Jews by calling out black anti-Semitism. Nor will they call out Islamic anti-Semitism, nor Leftist anti-Semitism.

The "Jewish Democratic Council of America" made a similar comment. "...anyone serious about fighting anti-Semitism must also consider the cumulative impact of the most powerful US elected official repeating anti-Semitic stereotyping, amplifying anti-Semitic conspiracy theories," etc. etc. The New York Times somehow could not bring themselves to identify the Monsey attacker as black. This should be no surprise to anyone, as a number of years ago I commented in a blog post about the NY Times' "reporting" about riots occurring throughout European cities. The Times told us then that all the rioters were "immigrants." They neglected to say that in each instance they were Muslim immigrants.

In their 1/3/20 editorial, the New York Times wondered: "What could be going so wrong in lives of these young people that their minds are twisted toward such ugliness? To fight hate in the longer term, it's in the interest of all of us to find out." Not surprised that the Times is wondering, as they refuse to tell the truth. As long as the Left believes anti-semitism only emanates from the right-wing white supremacists, then anti-Semitism will continue to worsen.

Maybe I can help the New York Times and other leftists. Here are some anti-Semites that are not on the Right. Ilhan Omar. Rashida Tlaib. Louis Farrakhan, who called Jews "monkeys," among other names, and said Judaism was a "satanic religion." Al Sharpton. Rev. Wright. Maybe the NY Times is unaware that Obama hung out with Farrakhan, Sharpton and Wright. Does not matter. The Left can never say that members of one of their favored minorities are anti-Semitic, or hateful in any way.

Way back on 9/30/11, I wrote a blog post titled "Wilful Ignorance." That essay discusses how leftist Jews simply ignored Obama's anti-Semitic, anti-Israel comments and policies and would vote for him a second time. They did. Jews held Muslims in high regard, no matter how many Muslims had a low regard for Jews. And the NY Times had no problem calling for a Palestinian state, even after one Palestinian leader said no Jews and no gays would be allowed in the new state.

Michael Masters, national director of the Secure Community Network (comprised of various Jewish organizations), was in accord with my "Wilful Ignorance," saying "the greatest adversary we truly face is not an external threat, it's a sense of denial." And today, I would say it is even worse than that. I see fellow Jews who will suffer any time a black is attacked for being black, or a gay or any LGBTQ person is attacked because of their sexual orientation, or a Muslim attacked for being a Muslim. And that feeling of pain is certainly appropriate. But when a fellow Jew is attacked just for being Jewish? Nary a peep out of many left-wing Jews. Innocent Israelis suffer constant rocket and missile attacks. But leftist Jews will tell you about plastic straws, and second-hand smoke and the like. And about the suffering of Palestinians. And how they intend to vote for Bernie Sanders, the most anti-Israel Democratic candidate. Blockheads. It's nicer than morons.

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