Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Cultural and Political Wars, Part IV (How Bad Can It Get?)

At a recent Dallas Cowboys game, Ellen DeGeneres was seen on TV sitting next to former President George W. Bush, with whom she is friendly. Not surprisingly, she was criticized by the Twitter mob. Ellen: "I'm friends with a lot of people who don't share the same beliefs that I have." I used to be able to say that, but as those left-wing "friends" lost their tolerance for opposing views, that is no longer the case.

Barbra Streisand saw fit to Tweet a cartoon of a very high heel shoe with the name Pelosi on it, impaling the back of a Trump-like figure. I understand that Twitter allows up to 280 characters. What a shame that Streisand was unable to say something intelligent, as opposed to picturing the killing of Trump.

As people were leaving the arena in Minneapolis where President Trump had a recent rally, some were verbally and physically assaulted by left-wing thugs. One thug was waving a Communist flag, while another called Trump supporters "Nazis." Ironic. Yet another burned a number of MAGA hats. Another display of how the left "debates."

Senator Rand Paul was eating lunch at a California restaurant, when a left-wing couple decided that he should not be allowed to do so. The woman angrily yelled at Paul: "You just ran into two people from New York, kiddo, and we're not putting up with your Republican bullshit." How incredibly rude and ill-mannered. And what did she mean "not put up" with it? What would she do to Paul? If she was part of a larger mob, would she join in beat-down of Paul? This is just another example of the intolerance that the left has for anyone who opposes their agenda.

Former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman came up with this gem: "Hitler has nothing on Trump." It is such an outrageous, preposterous lie that I could write pages rebutting such nonsense. Let me just say that anyone who believes this is sick.

Beto O'Rourke said that he would end tax exemption for churches that did not honor same-sex marriage. "There can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break for anyone, or any institution, any organization in America that denies the full human rights and the full civil rights of every single one of us." Such a position is tantamount to the government dictating the tenets of a religion, under the threat of suffering serious consequences. As Ben Shapiro pointed out, the First Amendment protections of religion are meant to protect religion from the government, not protect government from religion. Again, the left tolerates no dissent.

Dennis Prager recently posted an article discussing a new policy of Air Canada. The airline is doing away with the now insulting phrase "ladies and gentlemen." Airline employees will be allowed to say "everybody" and "tout le monde" ("everybody" in French). I had predicted many of these changes years ago. I argued that once the definition of marriage changes, many other changes will follow. (For a further discussion of this issue see the blog posts of 7/20/14 "My Ex-Wife," 10/19/14 "My Ex-Son and Ex-Daughters," 8/23/15 "Who Controls Your Language?," and 10/22/17 "As Predicted, It Will Never End.")

Daryl Morey is the General Manager of the Houston Rockets NBA team. He recently Tweeted "Stand for freedom, stand for Hong Kong." The Chinese government would not tolerate the support for Hong Kong. Basketball is a big sport in China, with the NBA having a great deal of business there. After Morey's comment, CCTV, the national broadcaster, would not air the games of the Nets and Lakers. Chinese sponsorship also ended. LeBron James disappointed with his comment that Morey "wasn't educated on the situation at hand." He also admonished "just be careful what we Tweet and say and we do, even though, yes, we do have freedom of speech, but there can be a lot of negative that comes with that, too." As I stated in my 9/15/19 post, China uses its soft power (economics) to "encourage self-censorship by the recipients of Chinese aid."

And, in what I find to be the most disturbing story in this post, is a decision by the Supreme Court refusing to hear the appeal of a Maryland high school student. Some left-wing teacher (I am assuming) gave an assignment that they undoubtedly felt was politically correct and "inclusive." The student refused to comply with the assignment. The assignment was to write the Islamic conversion prayer, "there is no god but..." I will not finish it. The recitation of that prayer is considered to be tantamount to a conversion to Islam. Once you are a Muslim, there can be no conversion back, as many Muslim countries forbid it. I have no doubt that had the assignment said that "there is no god but Christ," the Court would have jumped in to strike down such an assignment. In an early blog post I stated that after 9/11, the left and the media made Muslims the victims. That attitude continues to this day.

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