Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Trump Tells "The Squad" To Go Back From Whence They Came

Over the weekend, President Trump Tweeted "Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infected places from which they come. Then come back and show us how it is done." Although not mentioning anyone by name, it was apparent that he was referring to the four radical leftists in the House - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley - a group known as the "squad." Prior to his Tweet, the Democrats were attacking each other. Kamala Harris attacked Biden for his fraternizing with segregationist Senators. AOC attacked Pelosi for singling out four women of color (the squad). Trump's Tweet resulted in uniting the divided Democrats in attacking Trump.

Today, the House passed a resolution condemning "President Donald Trump's racist comments..." I am not impressed. It was a strictly political move on the part of Speaker Pelosi. Recall that when Ilhan Omar made incredibly anti-Semitic comments earlier this year, Pelosi would not condemn her, Omar being a member of Pelosi's Democratic caucus. Even when Republicans agreed to remove specific mention of Omar from the resolution, but still condemning anti-Semitism, Pelosi would not allow it to come to a vote. It was only when the resolution that was intended to combat anti-Semitism was watered down to condemn all bigotry, including Islamophobia and white supremacy, that Pelosi allowed a vote on the measure. Afterwards, Omar was exhilirated in announcing the first ever anti-Islamophobia resolution passed by the House. As the Black Caucus opposed the resolution only condemning anti-Semitism, can we say the entire Black Caucus is anti-Semitic?

So, the anti-Semite Omar got to celebrate a victory instead of suffering a deserved defeat. Pelosi not only refused to condemn Omar, she defended her. "I don't think our colleague is anti-Semitic. I think she has a different experience in the use of words..." The extremely articulate Omar does not understand her words? The same Omar who said Israel has hypnotized the world; who said of supporters of Israel "it's all about the Benjamins." The same Omar who joked about people reacting badly to hearing "Al Qaeda" said, but not reacting badly when "America" is mentioned.

Another member of the squad, Ayanna Pressley, said this: "We don't need any more brown faces that don't want want to be a brown voice. We don't need black faces that don't want to be a black voice..." She continued to make the same point about Muslims and queers (her word). So, who's the racist? Blacks who do not think as she does are not needed? It is a point I have made many times before: left-wing women only support other left-wing women. It is a lie when they say they support all women. And left-wing blacks only support other left-wing blacks, and so on. These left-wing women in the squad would not support the election of, say, Nikki Haley as president. We even just saw it in the attack on Pelosi by AOC, claiming that Pelosi was singling out women of color.

Another anti-Semitic member of the squad, Rashida Tlaib, recently accused Israel of dehumanizing and racist policies. What will she say about the treatment of women, gays and Christians by Hamas? In March, 2016, Newsweek reported that Hamas executed one of their commanders for "moral turpitude," their euphemism for gay sex.

I get that Trump's comments were not well received, even by some on the right. Were the comments racist? He did say after they leave they should come back. But even senior Fox News political analyst Brit Hume attacked Trump's comments as "nativist, xenophobic, counterfactual and politically stupid." (As an aside, tell me when an MSNBC commentator ever praised Trump.) I do not know if Trump is racist or not. He is often attacked for being anti-Semitic, notwithstanding the great friendship he has shown to Israel. Personally, I do not believe Trump is racist or anti-Semitic. He is most likely the mirror image of Ayanna Pressley, having no use for people who disagree with him politically - just like Pressley.

Condemn Trump? Then condemn Pressley. And it is way past time to condemn the anti-Semitic Muslim members of the squad. Yesterday, the Attorney General of the United States, William Barr, gave a strong and passionate speech condemning anti-Semitism. Barr: "The most ancient and stubborn form of racism throughout Western history has been anti-Semitism." If and when Speaker Pelosi sees fit to condemn the anti-Semitic and racist members of her caucus, then you can talk to me about condemning Trump. Until then...

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