Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Good, the Bad and the ...Moronic

Good (accurate, anyway). Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich recently said this: "If you are a Democrat today and go to a normal Democratic meeting and start talking about how wonderful America is, how great the Founding Fathers were, how remarkable the Constitution is, you'd be booed off the stage." I have said it before, the Democratic Left no longer shares in the fundamental American values. Which is why Newt's comment is sadly true.

Bad. Out of the Rutgers, Newark, NJ campus comes this - an event called "Recognizing and Dismantling White Organizational Culture." The point is to discern "characteristics of white United States-ian culture in organizations...and learn antidotes to dismantling white organizational culture." United States-ian? If I had attended this 6/25 event, I would guess I would have heard all about the evils of white people, Judeo-Christian values, and fundamental American values.

Moronic. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez referred to our southern border as follows: "The fact that concentration camps are now an institutionalized practice in the land of the free is extraordinarily disturbing." Any mistreatment of people, especially children, is disturbing. That does not make detention centers into "concentration camps."

Good (accurate again). Speaking of the border, the US Border Patrol Chief told us "migrants from 52 countries have illegally crossed the border this year..." That would include people from Romania, Vietnam, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, China, Bangladesh, Turkey and Egypt. What border crisis?

Bad (and moronic). ABC News Chief Political Analyst, Matthew Dowd, came out with this Tweet about Hillary's basket of deplorables: "With events over the last few years, and conduct and behavior we have seen, can someone explain to me how Hillary was wrong." Recall that 1/2 of Trump supporters were said to constitute the basket of deplorables. So Dowd thinks that over 30 million people have behaved badly these past few years because of Trump? If I said it once, I've said it a trillion times - don't exaggerate! Maybe a half a trillion. A billion?

Good. SCOTUS just ruled on the constitutionality of Section 2a of the Lanham Act, prohibiting trademarks that are "immoral, deceptive, or scandalous..." That hardly sounds like a tight standard that would pass constitutional muster. The result was a unanimous decision allowing a trademark for the FUCT clothing brand. Justice Samuel Alito: "Viewpoint discrimination is poison to a free society." I wish that Google understood that. I wish that college administrators understood that. I wish that the mainstream media understood that.

Bad. One online site that does not get it is Ravelry, which, according to Wikipedia has 8 million members. It is a knitting site, and they recently announced "we are banning support of Donald Trump and his administration on Ravelry. We cannot provide a space that is inclusive of all and also allow support for open white supremacy." Sure, I get it. The irony that is. They are inclusive of all - except for the nearly 63 million people who voted for Trump.

Good (although you would not guess the source). Complaining about Bernie's $2.2 trillion plan to forgive all student debt, they said: "The most obvious thing to say is that proposals like these are arbitrary and inequitable. They make fools out of people who scrimped and saved, ate ramen noodles and slaved away at jobs, to keep their borrowing down. The repayment plans are also unfair to people who have already paid back their loans. They undermine the concept of debts as legal obligations." No, it was not one of the hosts or other commentators on Fox News. It was the mainstream and left-wing USA Today.

Good, then bad. The left-wing, Trumpophobic Maureen Dowd wrote her Sunday Op-Ed in the New York Times with the title "Blowhard on the Brink." You see, for all the talk about Trump starting a nuclear war with North Korea, or a major Middle East conflagration, Dowd started her essay with this: "As shocking as it is to write this sentence, it must be said: Donald Trump did something right." Trump backed away from bombing Iran. Of course, virtually every paragraph thereafter mocked Trump.

I think that Justice Alito's comment bears repeating: "Viewpoint discrimination is poison to a free society." See if you can convince your leftist friends and family members of that. See if they are willing to listen to another viewpoint.

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