Sunday, April 14, 2019

Lies, Propaganda and Hate

Hate. There appears to be no limit to the hate directed by those on the Left towards Trump, anyone who has worked for him, and anyone who supported him or voted for him. I have discussed my own personal dealings with hate from the Left in some prior posts. The Left detests conservatives with a level of venom not seen since...? They allow for no disagreement with them and their policies.

Debra Messing is unhappy with the decision of the US Army to set aside 976 million dollars for some border walls in New Mexico and Arizona. As is typical of the Left, her argument consists of name calling, saying the Army is "disgusting and irresponsible." But she's just an actress, or so some will assert. The Boston Globe had an Op-Ed by a Luke O'Neil. He wrote of Kirstjen Nielsen, former DHS Secretary, let's "keep (her) unemployed and eating Grubhub over her kitchen sink," after accusing her of "ethnic cleansing." He also wrote that, as a former waiter, "one of my biggest regrets of my life is not pissing in Bill Kristol's salmon." That was even too much for the Globe as that sentence was later deleted. Clearly, the Left has no limit on their malicious hatred for those with whom they disagree.

Then, being the clever fellow that he is, O'Neil gives his permission to tell off Trump officials by telling them "where to go, what they can do with themselves when they arrive there, but, you know, said in a more specific and traditional Boston colloquialism." But, some will say, that's just one Op-Ed writer in one paper. So, let's turn to the self-described "paper of record," The New York Times. Michelle Goldberg is a regular opinion writer for the premier paper in the country - impossible to just to write her off with some excuse or another. Goldberg, in referring to Kirstjen Nielsen, wrote in her 4/9/19 column: "...she (Nielsen) should be a pariah for going as far as she did." A pariah - an outcast, a persona non grata, an undesirable.

Goldberg then cites with favor a petition by the Left-wing group Restore Public Trust. The petition seeks to have corporate America "blacklist" senior people in the Trump Administration for separating children at the border. They want companies to know that there is a "significant reputational risk for those involved" in hiring former Trump Administration officials. Goldberg: "How much of a risk will depend on decent Trump-hating Americans." There you have it. A regular columnist in the "paper of record" tells us that decent Americans hate Trump. The logical inference, of course, is that if you do not hate Trump you are indecent. Everyone needs to understand that Michelle Goldberg and The New York Times just told every conservative, every Trump voter, that they are worthless scum.

Propaganda. I can pick out the lies and the often subtle propaganda in any day's mainstream paper. Just pick the paper. Here's the March 18, 2019 Los Angeles Times lead story on the top right of the front page: "PUSH TO DEFEND TRUMP AFTER ATTACK," referring to the New Zealand mosque shooting. The subheadline reads: "Top aide denies the president is a white supremacist, despite praise from suspect in New Zealand killings." What? Some evil shooter, filled with hate, made a positive comment about Trump, and now Trump has to defend himself? When a Bernie supporter shot Congressman Steve Scalise and other Republicans at a baseball practice, was Sanders asked by the media to apologize? Was Sanders asked to deny his association with someone who worked for his campaign? Of course not! My friends on the Left do not even notice this subtle propaganda - linking Trump to the New Zealand shooter based on nothing other than their hatred of Trump.

Lies. And propaganda. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was at it again. Speaking to CAIR, Omar said this: "Here's the truth. For far too long we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen and, frankly, I'm tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it...CAIR was founded after 9/11, because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties." Hogwash! The truth is that Jews are still overwhelmingly the target of most religious hate crimes. And what has Omar done? She has stoked hatred of Jews and Israel with her non-stop anti-Semitic comments. "Some people did something" to describe the murder of nearly 3000 people on 9/11? Disgusting! Those on the Left who came to her defense argued that "some people" was meant to distinguish the terrorists from most law-abiding Muslims. So what was "did something" distinguishing between - the murder of 3000 people and a walk in the park? What nonsense!

Here is what Omar is doing. She is stirring up hatred of Jews and Israel, while riling up the Muslim population in an effort to get them to resent the United States - the country which gave her and her family asylum. Make no mistake, Omar knows exactly what she is doing. But those on the Left are easily misled by the occasional nice words she says. The Democratic leaders are either blind to it, or willfully ignore the evil that Omar spouts. Pelosi, Warren and Sanders have all come to her defense. The Democrats have such hatred for Trump that they cannot see the true divisiveness of Ilhan Omar; only Trump is divisive in their eyes. Sanders, a Jew, said this: "Ilhan Omar is a leader with strength and courage." The Democratic party has clearly lost its way.

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