Thursday, August 16, 2018

Democratic Voices

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is seeking reelection. One of his opponents is TV star Cynthia Nixon. Nixon has called our Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) a "terrorist" organization which should be abolished.

Not to be outdone, Governor Cuomo said this: "We're not going to make America great again. It was never that great." Yes, his media people tried to walk that back. But the fact that those words came out of his mouth is clearly a reflection of the left's continuing attacks on America.

Here is another. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren referred to our criminal justice system as "racist...front to back." Didn't some recent Democratic officials high up in our government feel the same way about the police and our criminal justice system? That's right - President Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder.

We cannot leave Hillary Clinton out of this. When an eleven year old sixth grader in Maryland decided to take a knee during the Pledge of Allegiance, Clinton supported her. I realize that today's kids are more sophisticated and more worldly than we were at that age, but how much of this girl's actions was actually being promoted by her parents? Here's Clinton: "It takes courage to exercise your right to protest injustice, especially when you're 11. Keep up the good work..."

Is that what we want as a society? Or do we want our kids to stand and say the Pledge? Do we want to instill a love of country? A love for the Flag and what it represents? As noted in the last post, a country is held together by shared values. When those values come under constant attack, then how can anyone be surprised by how divided we are as a nation.

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