Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Left's Non-Stop Hate

(Editor's note. This post contains language not used by this writer in the blog. However, as all the expletives come from the mouths of Leftists, I thought it was important to show the extent of their hatred.)

Last Sunday night the Tony Awards were telecast, and Robert De Niro was on stage introducing Bruce Springsteen. It was towards the end of the show, which I understand was relatively free of politics until that moment. De Niro walked up to the microphone and, and with arms raised and clenched fists, said: "First, I want to say fuck Trump. It's no longer down with Trump, it's fuck Trump." Nearly the entire audience stood and applauded. I can only imagine if during the Obama presidency, someone at one of these award shows got up and said the same thing about Obama. Would they have been beaten? I am sure they would have been roundly booed and forced off the stage. And that would have been the proper reaction to such a comment about a sitting President. But not for the lemmings in this audience.

Not to be outdone, the Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough, came out with this: "I know children are being ripped from their mother's arms even while they're being breast fed. I know children are being marched away to showers, marched away to showers. Being told they are - just like the Nazis - said that they were taking people to the showers and then they never came back." Disgusting. Not only does he diminish the horrors of the Holocaust with such a comment, but he alleges that American immigration policy is tantamount to genocide. Just sick.

Kathy Griffin (recall her holding up the fake, decapitated head of Trump) is not happy with her fellow comedian Kevin Hart. You see, as Hart is black, she just cannot understand why he won't discuss/mock Trump in his stand-up act. "I personally think it's a pussy move because he's a black man." So, Hart gets no respect because, even if he should agree with Griffin about Trump, he chooses not to use it in his act. How dare he!

During the last presidential election we were told how so many Trump supporters fit into a basket of deplorables. We have now learned from the just released DOJ's Inspector General's report what some in the FBI thought of Trump supporters. Said one agent: "Trump supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS (pieces of shit) that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing." Actually, some Obama supporters thought they would get lots of free stuff from him. And, under Trump, unemployment is significantly down - so, yes, people are getting jobs.

And this from another agent: "I would have brunch with Trump and a bunch of his supporters like the ones from Ohio that are retarded." I guess the elitists do not worry about being politically incorrect, at least as regards Trump supporters.

A final thought. Obviously, conservatives view the world differently from the way the Left does. But there is a further underlying difference. While conservatives disagree with the Left on virtually everything, we can understand the origin of their beliefs. Leftists, however, do not understand the origins of our beliefs. They do not understand how we could have voted for Trump and will do so again. After all, they cried when Trump won. Everything happening now is just so sad. And Trump's election will mean the end of America and even Western civilization. As the New York Times put it in one of their recent editorials: "Assuming that American democracy endures..." (under Trump). If I tried to explain to a Leftist that many conservatives felt the same way about the Obama Presidency, they would look at me in utter disbelief. As they cannot understand conservatives, the obvious conclusion - to them - is that we must be evil. Hence, the bitter hatred.

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