Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Sickening, Disgusting and Repulsive Mainstream Media*

(*Editor's Note. Readers of this blog will immediately notice the unusually harsh language in the title of this post. It is not my typical style. However, given what I have read in the mainstream media (hereafter MSM) this week, the language is actually not harsh enough.)

This past Monday, the United States of America opened its new embassy in Jerusalem, Israel. Hamas, the terrorist group that runs Gaza, did not want Israel to be able to celebrate the occasion. Hamas directed people (yes, directed, by giving people the day off from work and providing the buses) by the tens of thousands to the Israeli border. If you believe these were "peaceful" demonstrators, you need to look at the pictures. Furthermore, had any of the people succeeded in breaching the border, their intent was to kill Israelis. With that in mind, the Israeli Defense Forces (hereafter IDF) had snipers trying to target only those who were imminent threats, most of whom were members of Hamas. Hamas has since admitted that 50 of the 62 people killed by the Israelis while defending their borders were, in fact, members of Hamas.

As a reminder, the Hamas Charter calls for the destruction of Israel. As a reminder, Israel vacated Gaza in 2005. As a reward, Israelis have suffered from over 10,000 rockets, mortars and missiles being fired from Gaza into nearby Israeli cities. Hamas uses the millions (billions?) of dollars in aid to build tunnels into Israel in order to be able to kill or kidnap Jews. They use the money to build or buy all their rockets and missiles. If there is a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, it is because Hamas does not give a damn about their people. They only care about destroying Israel. And they have no problem in sacrificing their own people in order to win the propaganda war. Make no mistake, the tens of thousands massed at Israel's border, and the suicidal actions by Gazans done at the behest of Hamas, was for propaganda purposes. Hamas knew full well that they could rely upon the Western MSM to tell their fabricated story. Let's take a look.

The May 15, 2015 headline in the New York Times, the leading MSM paper in the country, read as follows: "Israelis Kill Scores In Gaza." One could argue that it was factually correct. However, if the Times wanted to tell the truth with their headline it might have read as follows: "Tens of thousands of Gazans try to penetrate Israeli border," with the sub-headline reading "Hamas sends men, women and children to their death as Israel tries to defend its borders and avoid mass killing."

Did you catch the NY Daily News cover? It shows a picture of Ivanka Trump with her hand raised while pointing at the seal of the US on the embassy wall - only the seal was blocked by a picture of a wounded or dead Gazan being carried away. The headline on this front page was "Daddy's Little Ghoul." Underneath we are told: "55 slaughtered in Gaza, but Ivanka all smiles at Jerusalem embassy unveil." Slaughtered? If Israel had any interest in slaughtering people, they have ample firepower to do so, and undoubtedly could have killed half of the 40,000 Gazans massed at their border. But they didn't use machine guns. They didn't "slaughter" anyone. Snipers targeted individuals carrying weapons, and those trying to destroy the security fence. There were a lot of people smiling at the opening of the new embassy, so why did they single out Ivanka? Because her last name is Trump.

At the White House press briefing, Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah made it very clear what the White House position was: "The responsibility for these tragic deaths rests squarely with Hamas." (What a refreshing change from Obama.) But the press would have none of it. Q: "The death toll is over 50 in Gaza. Is the US calling on Israel to use restraint in dealing with these protests?" While Shah kept repeating that the responsibility lies with Hamas, I would have answered this way: "Listen, you idiot. These were not "protests." It was a Hamas sponsored effort to have tens of thousands of people flood into Israel and kill Jews. Restraint? You don't think Israel was exercising restraint when you had a violent clash and only .0015% of those people had fatal injuries? Did you graduate high school?"

Here's another gem. Q: "So there's no burden on Israel to do something to, sort of, rein it in?" My reply: "Sure, Israel could send fools like you into Gaza to ask the Hamas leaders 'pretty please don't try to destroy the security fence; please be a good neighbor.' Next." And here's my favorite question from the geniuses who make up the White House press pool: "So there's no responsibility beyond that on the Israeli authorities? Kill at will?" My reply: "I can't believe that I have to deal with such moral idiots as you. Let me repeat, in what universe does a .0015 percent fatality rate suggest to you that the IDF was 'killing at will?' Did you finish kindergarten?"

The lead editorial in the May 15, 2018 edition of the NY Times ran with this title: "Mr. Trump's Failure in Jerusalem." You see, the Times was upset that "President Trump delivered the embassy as a gift without concession or condition to the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu, and as a blow to the Palestinians." A gift? Here's a question for the Israel-hating NY Times - can you name one other country in the world, just one, that is not allowed to declare its own capital city? Not only does the NY Times, along with much of the MSM, not view Israel as a friend and an ally, they actually side with the terrorist run Palestinians. Their editorial still thinks that Israel must "deal with refugees who fled or were driven away after Israeli statehood in 1948." None of the young violent demonstrators ever lived in the homes the Times says they were driven out of, and it's likely that none of their parents ever did either. But you know what? I challenge the editorial writers at the Times to take the lead and go back to whatever country you or your ancestors came from. And Hispanics will need to return to their homelands, because only the Native Americans get to stay.

It turns out that 4 senators, 10 congressmen and one governor - all Republicans - attended the embassy opening in Jerusalem. No Democrats. That seems rather odd as the "Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995," setting aside funds for moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, passed in the Senate by a vote of 93-5, and in the House by a vote of 374-37. So, the overwhelming majority of Democrats voted in favor. But times change. Citing a recent poll (previously referenced in this blog) from January, 2018, Ben Shapiro noted in his column in the current Jewish Journal of LA that while 79% of rank and file Republicans support Israel over the Palestinians, only 27% of Democrats do. Shapiro opined that the Democrats hatred of Trump (he is no fan either) was not the reason for their no-show. Rather, "Democrats didn't want to attend because they were afraid of their own base." Shapiro goes on to state that it doesn't matter that Israel is a democracy, it doesn't matter that Israel is the only LGBT friendly country in the region, and it doesn't matter that Israel is the only country in the area allowing full religious expression. What does matter is that as between Israel and the Palestinians, the Palestinians are perceived as "victims."

Shapiro: "Until Democrats throw aside victimhood ideology in favor of the morality that used to govern their party, (the split with Republicans over Israel) will continue to widen." I do not see that happening any time soon. "Victim mentality" permeates every aspect of the Democratic Party. Right and wrong have nothing to do with it. Democracy versus terrorism has nothing to do with it. It is said that when the then Soviet premier asked LBJ why the US supported Israel, a country of only 3 million people at the time, over the 80 million Arabs at the time, LBJ replied: "Because it is right."

A final thought. When liberal/left-wing Jews tell me that they support Israel but vote Democrat because "there are other issues besides Israel," they are wrong. Certainly there are other issues. But the hatred directed at Israel, and the support given to the terrorist Palestinians, tells us a lot about the moral compass of today's Democrats. It tells us that the party is simply not able to discern right from wrong. Trump may have his personal moral failings, as most of us do, but his policy is morally sound. Reflecting that policy, our UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley, prevented the UN Security Council from opening an investigation into Israel's actions. Haley: "No country in this chamber would act with more restraint than Israel has. In fact, the records of several countries here today suggest they would be much less restrained." Isn't that the truth!

Haley: "The violence comes from those who reject the existence of the State of Israel in any location." Moral clarity. If your party has lost that, there are no other issues.

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