Monday, January 8, 2018

New Year Reflections, Part I (Fire and Fury - Inside the Trump White House)

The Left is as excited as they have ever been since President Trump's inauguration. Michael Wolff's new book "Fire and Fury - Inside the Trump White House," has the Left all abuzz. After all, it is one bad comment about Trump after the next. Of course, there is the usual complaint about Trump - he spends most of his time playing golf.

Then, there is the usual complaint that his "favorite setting" when he's "alone on Twitter, talking directly to the American people without intrusions by aggressive reporters asking insinuating questions that sometimes confuse him." And this: "He has to demonstrate he has all his marbles."

Here are a few of my favorites. "The most obvious expression of Trump's choice of ignorance is that, at the age of 71, he knows nothing about policy or history." And, when asked "Do you think the President of the United States is dumb?" one commentator said "the short answer is yes." And this good one: "If Trump isn't exactly the moron he sounds, his synaptic misfirings offer a plausible proxy for the idiocy of his presidency."

But, really, can anyone think of any Republican president that has not been called either stupid, a moron, or inarticulate simpleton. In fact, the comment about golf in the first paragraph was made about Eisenhower. The comments in the second paragraph were actually made about Reagan, I simply changed TV camera to Twitter. The third paragraph is all about George W. Bush, with the only change being from Bush's age of 57 at the time to Trump's age of 71. Remember how everyone said Jimmy Carter was "brilliant?" And recall what a failed presidency he presided over?

In the introduction to Mr. Wolff's book we learn that "many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are in conflict with one another; many, in Trumpian fashion, are badly untrue. Those conflicts, and that looseness with the truth, if not with reality itself, are an elemental thread of the book. Sometimes I have let the players offer their versions, in turn allowing the reader to judge them. In other instances I Have, through a consistency in accounts and through sources I have come to trust, settled on a version of events I believe to be true."

Does the fact that the author has essentially told us to doubt the veracity of the book make any difference to the Left? Of course not. In speaking with one person on the Left, I said "let's assume everything in the book is absolutely true." Then I listed a number of Trump's achievements to see if they made any difference in his opinion - destruction of the ISIS caliphate in Iraq and Syria, recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the Dow Jones above 25000, economic growth at a level not seen in eight years under Obama, a war on criminal gangs such as MS-13 instead of a war on cops as we saw under Obama, and so on. It made no difference to him; and I was told I watch too much Fox. But we already know that for the Left, for the mainstream media, it is far easier to name call, to demagogue, than to engage in debate.

I say let the Left continue to have their child-like temper tantrums and demagoguery, while Trump continues to accomplish one policy objective after the next. That is really all he can do. And if the people decide to reverse course in November, and opt for an ever increasing socialist/nanny state impinging on their liberty - then shame on them.

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