Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Why I Would Never Vote for Hillary, Part I

When it comes to voting for President of the United States, many people decide on which candidate is the "best" in their minds, which candidate is more "Presidential." Not me. There are countless reasons why I could not support any Democratic candidate. Here are some of my reasons. (For factual support of my propositions, see the 262 blog posts that I have written to date; or at least peruse those from this year.)

I do not believe in big government. I believe the bigger the government, the less freedoms we have.

I do not believe in the platform of Black Lives Matter. It is anti-America and anti-Israel. It is based on a lie regarding police shootings. (Yes, I agree some shootings are unjustified.) Let me ask, how often do you see on TV or in the papers pictures and stories about all the whites that are shot and killed by police?

I do not believe that we should deny that "radical Islam"/"Islamic terror" exists. I do not believe they should have removed those phrases from military and security agency's training manuals.

I do not believe that we should ban "offensive" speech. I do not believe college students - adults - should be mollycoddled. They need to grow up and accept that not everyone agrees with them. That's life - deal with it.

I also do not believe in banning political speech. Yes, the Dems do, with their proposal to Amend the First Amendment in order to overturn the Citizens United case.

I support Israel. I do not support the BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) movement against Israel. I do not believe in the two-state "solution." I stopped believing in it when the Palestinians showed they did not believe in it either, with the 2000 intifada, and their repeated declarations regarding taking over all of Israel, and killing all the Jews.

I do not believe in open borders. All countries protect their borders; well, almost all. It appears that the Europeans have given up on that of late. But vote for Hillary if you like the Islamization of Europe, because she will carry on what Obama started and bring hundreds of thousands more "refugees" here.

I do not believe in "income equality," especially not if it is mandated by the government. This country affords you the opportunity to succeed like no other. Get an education. Work hard. As my father always said, "If you want something, work for it."

I do not believe America is essentially a racist country. Did I miss something, or did we not elect a black man to be President of the United States twice.

I do not believe in "free" college education. As an adult, I know that there is no such thing. Someone always pays.

I do believe in the Second Amendment. I do not believe in denying law-abiding citizens the right to keep and bear arms.

I do not believe that the Democratic Attorney General of the United States should have threatened to prosecute people who use "anti-Muslim rhetoric." That type of speech is protected by the First Amendment - for now, at least.

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