Wednesday, October 14, 2015

With Friends Like These...

From October 1 through early yesterday 7 Israelis have been attacked and killed by Arabs, with dozens more wounded. The attackers frequently walked up behind people and started stabbing them with knives. Whether it was an older person or a 13 year old victim, it made no difference to these animals. They believe that all Jews should be killed. The 7 dead Israelis is the equivalent of 278 Americans stabbed to death in under two weeks, and as if the attacks occurred all across the country. How long would Americans tolerate that?

Then along comes Secretary of State John Kerry, essentially justifying the murder of innocent Israeli civilians, with this: "And there's been a massive increase in settlements over the course of the last years, and now you have this violence because there's a frustration that is growing."

In the world occupied by the left, there is always an excuse for evil - because the left has a problem with acknowledging that evil even exists. So, the Arabs are frustrated. Many blacks in this country are frustrated because of the number of black deaths at the hands of the police. I guess that would justify blacks going out and randomly killing whites, in the eyes of John Kerry. After all, they are frustrated - just like the Arabs are.

The State Department attempted to back off the apparent link made by Kerry with this comment by spokesperson John Kirby: "The secretary wasn't saying, well now you have the settlement activity as the cause for the effect we're seeing."

Nice try, because Kirby added: "Is it a source of frustration for Palestinians. You bet it is, and the secretary observed that. But this isn't about affixing blame on either side here for the violence..." It's not? The Arabs started what may be the beginning of a third intifada. The Israelis reacted in self-defense. But in the eyes of the left we never affix blame. Rather, the left lives in the world of moral equivalency. No side is right and no side is wrong.

Not surprisingly, the mainstream media and various world leaders have adopted that viewpoint; simply stating that the violence by both sides has to stop, with no mention of who started it. And certainly no mention of who's at fault. They just condemn "violence," as if violence is the perpetrator.

The State Department spokesman continued talking out of both sides of his mouth, first stating that "the Israeli government has a right and a responsibility to protect its citizens." But then he added this: "We've certainly seen some reports of what many would consider excessive use of force, obviously we don't like to see that." I take it that Israelis can defend themselves - as long as no Arabs get hurt.

Isn't it nice to know that in the worldview of people like John Kerry, and the left generally, frustration can justify not only criminal behavior, but murder. When someone is rushing at you with a knife intending to stab you to death, I think you're going to want a gun to stop the attacker dead in his tracks - so that you're not stopped dead in yours. The moral idiots of the left be damned!

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend who told me she agrees with Kerry's sentiment. According to her, if only Israel would stop building in settlements peace would reign. It made no difference to her that Israel froze settlement construction for 10 months in 2009-2010, an unprecedented move which was rebuffed by Palestinian Authority leader Abbas. Going back even further, she brushes off the fact that the Arabs have refused peace offers time and time again (1948 UN Partition Plan, extremely generous peace offers in 2000 by Ehud Barak and in 2008 by Ehud Olmert), and that Israel would not even control this territory were it not for Arab belligerence that started the 1967 Six Day War. As far as she is concerned, these failed opportunities happened too long ago to be of any relevance today. No matter that it was Abbas who rejected Olmert's peace plan and made no reciprocal gesture during Netanyahu's settlement freeze. The problem is and always has been the settlements.

    These type of people ignore the historical record, justifying it by saying things like "well my Arab/Muslim friends see things differently" and "you don't read news sources from the opposing side". However, her fixation on the settlements leaves her unable to explain why Jews were constantly massacred by Arabs in what was to become Israel prior to 1948, before there were any "settlements" on "occupied territory". She is unable to understand such base hatred, and so in her mind there "must" be a logical cause. But why were 6 million Jews slaughtered in the Holocaust? What did they do to provoke the Germans? Perhaps, in her world view, if only those people weren't Jewish the Germans would never have become so frustrated that they had no recourse but to commit genocide.

    I try to remain open minded, but it is difficult, and increasingly frightening, when people such as my friend and John Kerry are unable to assign blame. She told me that even though we are observing the same situation, since we view it through different perspectives there are essentially different sets of facts, and both sides could be right. But this couldn't be farther from the truth. In any situation there is only one set of facts. What matters is if you're willing to let those facts lead you to the correct conclusion, or if you let your preconceived conclusion obscure the facts.
