Tuesday, February 17, 2015

In Their Own Words, Part I

At the National Prayer Breakfast earlier this month President Obama said this: "And lest we get on our high horse and think this (referring to radical Islam, which he calls violent extremism) is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ...So this is not unique to one group or one religion." Now, assuming that a comparison can even be made to the Crusades - that was 800 years ago! Are the Crusades a problem today? This type of moronic comment simply provides a subtle explanation and even justification for the outrageous behavior of ISIS. Obama should be ashamed of himself.

Obama on Vox after the Paris massacre: "It is entirely legitimate for the American people to be deeply concerned when you have a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shot a bunch of folks in a Deli in Paris." What? No, nothing random about it. The target was a kosher Jewish Deli - and the four who were murdered were Jews. But Obama has an issue with Jews being the victims of radical Muslims (another phrase he cannot bring himself to utter). We already know that these violent zealots are all "randomly" Muslim. Obama has gotten away with so many lies, it is hard to blame him for thinking that he can get away with even the most absurd ones.

Subsequently, White House Press Secretary/Liar for the President, had this to say: the kosher Deli victims were "killed not because of who they were, but because of where they randomly happened to be." Earnest and the spokesliars at the State Department make me very concerned about the future of this country. If any of them had integrity they would resign before spewing the nonsense that they do. Question for Earnest: Did the murderer "randomly" target a kosher Jewish Deli? Or, as happens many times, was a radical Muslim targeting Jews?

At his January State of the Union address, Obama said: "Will we accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well?" Yes! Why not? If everyone did spectacularly well, then no one is doing so - because everyone would be doing equally well. Which, of course, is the true goal of all socialists. Except with socialism, everyone ends up doing equally poorly.

Also at the State of the Union, Obama said this: "And I commit to every Republican here tonight that I will not only seek out your ideas, I will seek to work with you to make this country stronger." It is truly amazing to me how many people believe this lie. In six years Obama has shown no interest in working with Republicans. He rarely invited the Congressional Republican leadership to the White House. He is not like Reagan, who worked with Democrat Speaker Tip O'Neill to get things done; or like Bill Clinton who worked with Republican Speaker Newt Gingrich. No, Obama is a pure ideologue, and the above quote was all for political show.

David Axelrod, former political adviser and campaign manager for Obama, said in his new book "Believer": If Mr. Obama's views were "evolving" publicly (regarding gay marriage), "they were fully evolved behind closed doors." Spoiler alert: What? Obama lied in 2008 when he claimed that as a Christian he opposed gay marriage? Shocking!

Josh Earnest, following the beheading of 21 Coptic Christians by ISIS, said this: "The United States condemns the despicable and cowardly murder of twenty-one Egyptian citizens in Libya by ISIL-affiliated terrorists." I guess Christians cannot be the victims of these "random" Muslim terrorists either. Then again, Obama has expressed no concern for the one million Christians displaced from Muslim-run Arab countries over the last decade. That would be more than the number of Arabs (now calling themselves "Palestinians") who were displaced from their homes during the Arabs first effort to wipe Israel off the map back in 1948-49. But Obama cares a great deal about those people.

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