Sunday, September 22, 2024

Let's Talk Turkey - I Need To Talk About Some People, Part I

First, I want to talk about "anonymous," and specifically his/her comment on my September 8, 2024 post, "Odds & Ends."  Here is the criticism of me:  "And because of some loud mouthed stupid students you are going to vote for Trump who is a convicted felon who only cares about himself and give away our country!!"  I have to assume that the "loud mouthed stupid students" the writer refers to are the pro-Hamas crowds on college campuses.  Does this writer really believe that those students constitute the full extent of the growing antisemitism, Jew hatred and Israel hatred?  Can you believe it?

Let's see.  Protests on college campuses around the country.  Professors and administrators siding with these Jew haters.  Protests on the streets in other countries around the world.  Elected officials in Congress and in localities across the country (virtually all Democrats) who speak against Israel and on behalf of Hamas.  Don't get me started on the UN.  Israel at war since October 7, 2023.  80,000 to 100,000 Israelis displaced from their homes in the North and the South.  Over 100 hostages still being held by Hamas.  

Iran funding Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis - thanks to Biden.  Yes, Biden!  Trump had sanctions on Iran.  Biden lifted those sanctions, allowing Iran to make billions from the sale of oil.  Biden released funds to Iran.  The question is not why would I vote for Trump.  Rather, the question is why any Jew would ever vote for these Democrats who are funding Iran with money used to kill their fellow Jews.  The writer of the ridiculous comment suggested I move to Russia.  I suggest that he/she moves to Gaza.  And let me ask:  is there another country being so demonized that there are calls from around the world for its destruction?  No, only Israel has calls for its destruction.

The writer also calls Trump a convicted felon.  I'm sure he/she means a "wrongly" convicted felon.  Not only was the prosecution purely political in nature.  What did Trump allegedly do?  He is said to have mischaracterized so-called "hush money" payments as legal expenses.  When Hillary Clinton was determined by the FEC to have mischaracterized payments for the phony Steele dossier as legal expenses, her campaign was fined $113,000.  She was not prosecuted.  But the double-standard political prosecution is only half the story.

The other half is that the Federal government determines violations of federal election laws, not some local Democrat DA hack.  The question is - why didn't Attorney General Garland step in to prevent this prosecution from going forward, and preserve what we lawyers refer to as "federal preemption."  When Congress passes a law, if it is determined that the law occupies the field, then federal supremacy over state law applies.  And, lo and behold, the Federal Election Campaign Act does indeed say that the federal law's provisions "supersede and preempt any provision of state law with respect to election to Federal office."

So why didn't AG Garland step in and seek an injunction against Manhattan DA Bragg?  Recall that Obama's AG, Eric Holder, had no hesitation in seeking to block Arizona from enforcing federal immigration law.  All Arizona wanted to do was enforce federal immigration law.  But Holder said they can't do that.  The Supreme Court ended up agreeing with Holder, for the most part.  Did anyone really expect Merrick Garland to protect federal supremacy of the law when there was a chance to get Trump?  This conviction will have to be overturned on appeal.

Speaking of Merrick Garland...we have now had a second assassination attempt on president Trump.  A mere two months apart.  July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania, and September 15 at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, only 5 minutes from Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach.  Garland told the country that "we are grateful he (Trump) is safe."  Excuse me if I do not believe that for one second.  Garland said they will "spare no resource," and "tirelessly work together" with federal and state and local law enforcement in order to do a thorough investigation of this latest attempt on Trump's life.  Sure.  

Let me understand this.  The Democrats tried to keep Trump off the ballot is several states.  That failed, as the Supreme Court nixed that by a 9-0 vote.  They have tried to imprison Trump for the rest of his life.  So far, at least, that has not been successful either.  They clearly do not want to risk losing to him at the ballot box.  So what's left?  Could it be assassination?  


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