Sunday, November 26, 2023

Some Things Every American Should Know

It has been quite distressing to see all the pro-Palestinian and even pro-Hamas demonstrations on college campuses.  But it is not always an accident.  Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have contributed billions to our universities.  As has the Chinese Communist Party.  Anybody think they have an interest in instilling American or Western values.  Anybody think they are sending all this money our way just to be nice?  The CCP has established Confucius Institutes.  At Georgetown University they have the Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian understanding.  Funded by the Saudis.  

The Department of Education reported that Arab sources donated about $8.5 billion to US colleges and universities between 1986 and 2021.  At least, that is what was reported by US schools.  And one site reports that "donors from Arab states have quietly made contributions to American universities to create centers and chairs to propagate their views.  The Arab lobby succeeded in hijacking the field of Middle East Studies and now has faculty across the country who use their positions to advance political agendas that are typically pro-Arab (often specifically related to the Palestinians), anti-Israel, and uncritical of radical Islam."  So guess what America's youth are being taught?  Nothing positive about Israel, the only Western style democracy in the Middle East.

Cornell, Stanford, UC Berkeley and University of Texas (Austin) all have relationships with the King Abdullah (former leader of Saudi Arabia) University of Science and Technology, with each getting $25 million or more over a five year period.  MIT, Harvard and Carnegie Mellon are also recipients of Arab largesse.  Qatar, a country that openly supports Hamas, has contributed billions to our academies.  

Let us not forget the professor at Cornell who referred to the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7 as "exhilarating" and "energizing."  The brutal murder of unarmed civilians, even children and babies, was exhilarating and energizing for this professor.  Just how sick can it get.  

And we know that Leftist thinking which has infected the media and Hollywood and the Democrat Party, tends to support the anti-Israel narrative.  Here is former President Obama:  "What Hamas did was horrific, and there's no justification for it.  And what is also true is that the occupation and what's happening to Palestinians is unbearable."  After saying there was no justification for the atrocities committed by Hamas, Obama gave them a justification.  

Meanwhile, these young people, who likely know nothing about the history of the Middle East, who seem to not know what the Holocaust was, are getting increasingly brazen and threatening in their attacks on Jews.  The President of AIPAC (the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) has a home in the Brentwood section of Los Angeles.  AIPAC is the largest pro-Israel lobbying group in the country.  Pro-Palestinian demonstrators vandalized his driveway, threw smoke bombs at his home, and carried a banner reading "Fuck UR holiday!  Baby Killer!"  

Meanwhile, a teacher at the Hillcrest High School in Jamaica Hills, Queens, NYC, had to hide inside a locked office for two hours.  Why?  After posting that she stands with Israel, "hundreds of teens stormed the hallways, where they chanted, waved Palestinian flags and screamed that the teacher needs to go."  (As reported by Fox News.)  The teacher has worked in the NYC schools for 23 years, and said she "was shaken to my core."  

But these threats and disruptions are not isolated incidents.  Pro-Palestinian protesters have taken over bridges in order to disrupt traffic.  They attempted to disrupt the 97th Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  They defaced the White House gate.  They interfered with the operations at Grand Central Station in NYC.  The list goes on and on.  How soon before we see serious injuries and deaths.  (Of course, there was already the death of a Jewish man in Thousand Oaks, California, at the hands of a pro-Palestinian protester - a professor at a local college no less.)

Meanwhile, in a poll out this month, 37% of Jewish college students said they feel a need to hide their identity.  54% said they felt scared.  This is America in 2023.  But it made me think of the meme sent to me by my younger daughter the first weekend of this month, with the end of daylight saving time:  "Don't forget to turn your clocks back to 1938 Germany time this weekend."  November, 1938, was when the Nazis organized a series of what have been described as pogroms, resulting in the vandalism and destruction of Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues.  It came to be known as "Kristallnacht," the night of broken glass.  

I have often said that, outside of Israel, the United States has been the best country in the world for the Jewish people.  I don't want to think that we have set our clocks back to 1938 Germany time.  But it behooves all of us as Americans, Jews and non-Jews alike, to pay attention and to speak up and against the rise in antisemitism and outright Jew hatred. 

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