Thursday, December 23, 2021

Year End Reflections, Part VI (A Personal, and Very Brief, Look Back)

I turned 70 this past year.  That's a big birthday.  Upon hearing of this birthday of mine, some expressed dismay at my "advanced" age.  I did not share those sentiments.  On the contrary, I thank G-d for each and every day.  I have been to far too many funerals of young people and middle-aged people to understand that there is no guarantee of tomorrow.  So I celebrate my age.

My physical condition is another matter.  My cervical spine has been a pain in the neck (a little humor) for over 20 years.  Mostly physical therapy on and off.  But after having a second cervical epidural injection this year, with only slight improvement, my pain management doctor referred me for a cervical MRI.  Upon seeing the results, he referred me to a neurosurgeon.  

According to the neurosurgeon, the MRI showed no significant deterioration in the neck since the last one in 2019.  He also suggested that surgery would be problematic, as he would only be able to access two of the four levels that are most troublesome.  However, as he found no significant neurologic deficits, and good muscle strength, the decision was made to avoid surgery.  Rather, he prescribed physical therapy and exercises, and a return to the pain management doctor for a possible third epidural vs facet blocks.  In the meantime, for those who know me, you know that I keep working and plugging along.

I do not believe that I lost any friends as a result of political differences this year.  Those on the left who could not tolerate my conservative view of the world and/or could not accept that I voted for Trump (twice) have previously abandoned our friendship.  It appears that a budding friendship with a colleague has ended as a result of my "aggressive" actions on behalf of a client.  This colleague is the opposing counsel.  Disappointing, but I cannot say that I am not used to it.

Of course, the highlight of the year was the birth of our granddaughter.  She is so precious.  She is so adorable.  I immediately fell in love with her.  She will soon be six months old.  But she has never (almost never) seen my face.  (Okay, hold the jokes.)  That is disappointing and upsetting.  I only pray that I live long enough to really be able to get to know her, and her me.  G-d willing!



  1. Hey Mike,
    Suck it up man. I'm pushin' 78! Keep writing. I sure enjoy your take on things, and your writing.
    I'm still working a bit, doing depos for Gaylord and Nantais in Long Beach. I plan to continue that indefinitely. Ned G. is still working part time at 83! You can always slow down too......
    John Newport

  2. Thanks for your comment, John. Yep - still working and still blogging. May you and Ned continue for many long years!

    On a separate note, I received a comment from someone to my email, and he asked that I post it for him. So, here goes: "Mike, You are awesome. So enjoy reading your materials. Brilliant. Bob."
