Thursday, May 19, 2016

An Email Exchange With A Columbia Law School Professor, Part II

Professor Simon: "Thanks for your thoughtful letter. Letters to the Editor are not the best medium for the development of complex ideas. I did not mean to deny that there is a liberal bias in the academy or to assert that the conservative views disfavored in the academy or (sic, are) all racist or dogmatic. I meant (a) the bias is exaggerated, and (b) SOME of what appears to be bias is due to the fact that the views legitimately disfavored in the academy are more common among conservatives than liberals. I'm sure we disagree about much but perhaps not as much as you thought, and I'm sorry the letter wasn't clearer."

The Truth-Uncensored: "Thank you for your reply. But, when you have a minute, I would appreciate it if you could point out those views that are "legitimately disfavored.". What conservative views do you believe are racist, misogynistic or homophobic? Because that is the crux of the debate. I would very much appreciate your comments on those issues. Obviously, I am unable to compel you to reply. However, as your piece in the Times reads, it comes across as many on the left do: disagree with me and you are a (fill in the blank)."

Professor Simon: "We probably don't agree about what counts as racist; so I doubt it would be productive to argue the point. There is a substantial amount of research suggesting that there is some correlation between unambiguously racist views and support for the Republican Party. See, e.g., I do not suggest that there are not legitimate reasons to take most conservative positions. My suggestion is that the disfavoring of the positions that are explicitly racist (etc.) would disproportionately affect self-identified conservatives."

The Truth-Uncensored: "Hello Professor. This will be my last email to you as it appears you do not wish to engage further, and I certainly do not wish to be a bother. I have to say that I find it odd that you do not believe we could agree on what constitutes racism. Are you including in your definition opposition to Obama and his policies? Are you including those who say all lives matter?

I have a good rapport with virtually all the attorneys that oppose me. Men, women, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, whatever. I have represented clients from many different ethnic and religious backgrounds. Racism is obnoxious and totally unacceptable. But, if you truly believe that we cannot agree on a definition for racism, then I must conclude that you are defining racism through a leftist lens. In that case, almost anything can be taken as "code words" for racism. "States rights?" Racist. Smaller government? Racist. Balanced budget? Racist. (Yes, I know there was a time when southern Democrats used "states rights" as a way to continue segregation. We are not far apart in age.)

You refer me to an article about racism. First, they quote Harry Reid, one of the most despicable Senate Majority Leaders in our history. Recall during the last Presidential election Reid said from the Senate floor that he knew Mitt Romney had not paid taxes. It was a lie, of course. Further, he could not legally know what any citizen pays in taxes. When asked years later if he wished to withdraw that comment and apologize, he answered to the effect of 'well, he (Romney) didn't win, did he?'

And that reflects one of my main problems with the left. It is an "ends justify the means" mentality. For example, gay marriage is good; therefore it is acceptable to threaten the business and even lives of the family that would not bake a cake for a gay wedding. The Palestinians are oppressed; therefore it is permissible to shout down the Israeli ambassador and prevent him from speaking, as was done at UC Irvine. After all, some views are "legitimately disfavored." But who gets to decide which views? Only the left, apparently.

Do you believe racism is the main problem facing our country? Some on the left have told me that nothing has improved for blacks over the last 50 years. The only way to account for such a conclusion is a saying I have: liberals let their beliefs dictate their reality, conservatives let reality dictate their beliefs.

No, Professor, the main internal threat facing our country is leftism. The left is on a never ending path towards tyranny. I gave you some examples in my prior emails. A willingness to dispense with the First Amendment, and the Second. A willingness to have a political litmus test for the right to do business; although I doubt many of those holding such beliefs recognize their apparent affinity for Joe McCarthy. Are you now, or have you ever been: opposed to gay marriage? Opposed to abortion? Opposed to open borders? Opposed to a Palestinian state? And so on.

I trust that you understand that today's Democratic Party is generally devoid of classical liberals. People who welcomed debate, rather than attempting to shut it down beforehand, by declaring certain viewpoints as being legitimately disfavored. People who shared the same fundamental values as conservatives hold today. No. Today's Democrats are leftists and socialists, with little or no appreciation for our system of government, or for traditional American values, or for the US Constitution. With leftists in charge the future for the American ideal of liberty is not bright. I wish you well.

P.S. It won't hurt you to read some of my blog posts. Honestly."


  1. Great job Mike. The professor cannot engage with you honestly. If he did he would lose. Liberals rely on their "beliefs" and "feelings", not facts or logic. Thus the only defence they can mount is mockery, name-calling, and lying. What a shame they won't even debate us!
    Thanks for the blog.

    1. Thank you. I forgot to mention that I offered the professor the last word, without further rebuttal from me. I did not receive a reply. Thereafter, I simply requested his permission to post the exchange, which he graciously tendered.

  2. DEBATE! AHHHH We love you Mr. Mike. If you started a cult, I would follow it. #rightwing #trumplikestacos #soIlike tacos

