Sunday, February 3, 2013

Israel and the Middle East

* A senior member of the Egyptian/Muslim Brotherhood recently said that the Holocaust was a myth. The 6 million Jews were actually moved to the US and "the myth of the Holocaust is an industry that America invented." These comments come after it was revealed that Egypt's President Morsi had referred to Jews as descendants of apes and pigs. And also: "Never forget, brothers, to nurse our children and grandchildren on hatred for them: for Zionists and Jews." But obviously not a sufficient basis for Obama deciding against sending 20 additional F-16 fighter jets and 200 Abrams tanks to Egypt.

* Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas recently asked UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to get Israel's permission for Palestinians in Syria to be able to escape the civil war there and enter the West Bank. Israel agreed on condition that each refugee from Syria acknowledge in writing that they have no "right of return" to Israel. Said Abbas: "So we rejected that and said it's better they die in Syria than give up their right to return." This make sense to anybody? As we tend to see from the Left here, Abbas puts his ideology over outcome. How can one justify that the Palestinians in Syria would be better off dead than starting anew in the West Bank. I can assure all of you that not a single survivor of the Holocaust said they would be better off dead in Germany than starting anew in the US or Israel.

* "I am saddened that the Jews who suffered unbelievable levels of persecution during the Holocaust, could within a few years of liberation from the death camps be inflicting atrocities on Palestinians in the new state of Israel and continue to do so on a daily basis, in the West Bank and Gaza." So said Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament (in Britain) David Ward. So, the Jews suffered "persecution" while the Palestinians are suffering "atrocities." An obvious anti-Semite from an increasingly anti-Semitic country.

* Israel has been warning about the dangers of Syrian weaponry getting into the hands of Hezbollah, given the increasing instability and civil war in Syria. Only days ago, the Israeli air force was able to take out a Syrian convoy that appeared to be headed towards the Lebanese border. Lebanon is home to the terrorist organization Hezbollah. It was believed that the convoy was carrying, among other things perhaps, SA-17 surface to air missiles. These missiles are Russian made and have the capability of reaching an altitude of 80,000 feet. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said he had "grave concern" over Israel's actions. He called on all countries to "strictly abide by international law, in particular in respect of territorial integrity and sovereignty of all countries in the region." Thankfully, Israel ignores such ridiculous advice whenever necessary for their survival. Maybe the Secretary-General should spend more of his time having "grave concern" about Iranian nukes, an Islamic Muslim Brotherhood running Egypt, and 50-60,000 dead in the Syrian civil war. Just a thought.

* The New York Times, in a 1/31/13 editorial, was concerned about Israel further isolating itself from the world by refusing to participate in the United Nations Human Rights Council review of its human rights practices. What could be wrong there? Some of the members of the Council include Kuwait, Libya, Pakistan, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. The Times even concedes, with great understatement, that the Council is "clearly not without faults." And what might those faults be? Again, with great understatement, the Times concedes "More than half of the resolutions passed by the council since it started work in 2006 have focused on Israel and its treatment of Palestinians, and Israel is the only country that is a standing item on the agenda for the council's biannual meetings." More than half! So were hundreds of thousands killed in Darfur and even more in the Congo? Did I miss the story about genocide in Israel? Are the editorial writers of the Times insane? Well, they did give one clue about their faith in the Human Rights Council - Obama had the US join after George W. Bush kept the US out. And if Obama thinks it's a good idea, then...(see post on Media Bias IV).

* The same Times editorial expressed concern over Israel also isolating itself over "its hard-line policies on West Bank settlements, the Gaza embargo and other issues." What "other issues?" Probably anything that Israel does. Here's another point of view. After looking around at all that is happening in the Middle East, Reuel Marc Gerecht wrote in the 1/30/13 Wall Street Journal: "The rising Islamic wave that has accompanied the Arab Spring should end the illusion that the Jewish state can be integrated into the Middle East through territorial concessions to nondemocratic regimes." But that would be letting the actual facts determine the best and most realistic approach. But, as part of the Left, the Times editorial writers do just the opposite - they let their beliefs dictate their reality. And their belief is not unlike that of MP David Ward.

* Who sides with the US at the UN? Israel does - over 90% of the time. You can pretty much count on the Arab/Muslim countries voting against the US. Who has been on the front line for the US time and again? Israel - during the Cold War, during Desert Storm, and against Iran and Islamic terror. And Israeli intelligence? Per General George Keagan, the former head of US Air Force Intelligence: "Israel is worth five CIAs." Not only did Israel provide intelligence during Desert Storm, but Israelis were able to get into the Iraqi desert and pick up downed US pilots.

* Yet, President Obama selects Chuck Hagel to be the Secretary of Defense. Yes, Hagel is a decorated Vietnam vet. And for that he deserves our respect and thanks. But is that enough to be Defense Secretary? Said Hagel: "The Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people." What is often referred to as the "pro-Israel lobby" is supported by many non-Jews. And why not? Israel, along with England, are our two closest allies. And just why did Hagel see fit to single out one lobby among the many thousands in Washington, DC? Does he think it is a bad idea to support Israel? Hagel, as a US Senator, voted against declaring the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization. He has voted against sanctions on Iran. He supports talking with the terrorist group Hamas, which will not recognize Israel's right to exist even. He refused to sign off on a letter to the EU designating Hezbollah a terrorist organization. Four Senators refused to sign a letter to the President urging solidarity with Israel and condemning Palestinian violence. Hagel was one of those Senators. Even the liberal Washington Post opined that Hagel "is not the right choice for defense secretary." So, I ask my liberal friends and readers - what does it say about Obama that he would nominate such a man to be the head of our defense department, and be one of the most powerful people in the Administration?

1 comment:

  1. About Hagel, Caroline Glick points out that he is far worse for the US then Israel and that his actions may be good for Israel because it will it decrease Israel's dependence on American military logistic/arms support.
